#2: Lotus: Rebirth

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Beo-Yeong | Lotus: The Rebirth


I clicked the button on my screen for an online counselling. I'm Seong Ja-mi, psychiatrist. My curiosity and call of duty rose after reading an article of spirit-switching practiced by uncivilized native Korean, in the country side of Jiju.

An issue unraveled by an eight year old Korean-Japanese who went viral after broadcasting herself crying and asking for help via online. Later, her parents noticed their child's viral video yet, authorities haven't reached out for them. Who would've think this still exists?

“Poor kid,” I mumbled. I clicked the link that was suggested by my colleague and watched the girl's new video with tons of viewers already.

She was embracing her knees in straight 10 minutes lenght of the ongoing video and done nothing. She lacks in nutritional supplement with her monolid sunken eyes and pale skinny skin. I massaged my temple for I wasted a minutes of my work, trying to search for something that could help her.

I stood to fetch some glass of water when a voice of a girl cracked a question, “Are you watching this?” her question that stopped me from walking.

I turned my back and followed the voice.

“I know, everyone is watching this.” She chuckles, “But I'm specific to someone in her white collar uniform and busy mind trying to figure out things.”

I checked on my uniform and let out a short chuckle, “What a coincidence.”

I stares at the video to where the voice is coming from. The little girl spoke with her smile drawn ear-to-ear. How could a little girl speaks like an adult with so much certainty in every words? Yuki can speak Korean very well.

I focused my sight to what I'm watching and expanded the screen's video player.

“You!” She pointed in front— technically pointing at her viewers inside the led screen, “Yes it's you.” She chuckles playing her finger nails.

I went near at the screen for some sort of a disturbing image behind her.

She walks and get the knife besides her table. “Oh, this one?” a figure that disturbs me. “Here!” She puts the knife in front of her cam like a vlogger flexing her toy— unlike kids vlogger, she was holding a sharp, deadly knife.

The silent room added an intensive chill I felt. I felt so sorry for a kid like her that needs inclusive psychological treatment, my uniform would be wasted without helping her as well as my duty. Her eyes telling me... she's too different for an eight year old to act like this. According to her gesture, she might have this condition with dual personality. She needs treatment.

“This knife...” She played the knife by tossing it, “this knife will take my life.. or nah! Just the shaman's samurai.” Her creepy smile faded and started to whimper.

This time, I can clearly see her childhood. She's too innocent cupping her face and sobs. Her breathing shakes along with her trembling fragile knees.

“Are you okay? I hope I can help you,” I mumbled even if I know she couldn't hear me from the screen.

“I'm not okay...” She continued sobbing. My mind puzzled for she responded, like we're in a two way process of communication, “I will never be okay.”

“God.” I hissed and started to edge some tears, I pity this little girl so much. All I can feel is my sympathy for an innocent kid whose innocence is a victim of mere ignorance, “How can I even help you?” I talked to myself as if she can hear me.

“Just get me out of her— Hahaha!”

My eyes widened that shocked my system for she confuses me with her deafening laughter after being dramatic.

“You wanna help her?” the little girl fiercely asking the camera like she just responded to my query. Yet, she seems like pointing at me and the girl she was referring was herself all alone.

I gasped and feels the chill creeping inside of me.

“Nobody can help her.” She glares at the screen, that made me startled upon hearing a loud knock. She looked at her closed door and glued her attention to it, at the same time my door receiving a multiple knock too. I'm terribly scared.

“Aren't you gonna open it?” she asked with her side-face displayed on my screen. The loud knock continued like a massive thing pushing through it to create the knocking sound. This isn't a canned video, but how can she guess everything, nor we're not communicating?

I gasped as my knees started to shiver in fear. I was startled for the 4th knock and fell from where I seated and landed my butt on the floor. The ongoing streaming, synchronizing the loud knock in the video where the little girl seated and the loud knock in my condo unit’s door.

The loud knock banged and eventually destroyed my wooden door like a whip of the strong wind. I hugged my knees and hid beneath the desk. Shivering in horror.

I heard the girl sobbing as well, this time other voices are approaching her while I was  still hiding under my desk. She might have rescued. I think.

“Yuki!” I heard a man shouted from the video's audio, continuously playing.

“Oto-san!” (Dad!) the little girl whose voice shaking in so much pain and found comfort as soon as she heard the man's voice.

“You'll be fine I-I promised h-honey,” Yuki's mom comforted her in a primitive Hangul/Korean accent.

I peeked my eyes on an ongoing video.

“Daijibou ne,” said by the Japanese man whose grip in the innocent girl's hands. I stood from being cornered under the desk and watched clearly how the two people tied her legs and hands. Another woman in a shaman red dressed mumbling her mantras as the amulet glowing with symbol of yin and yang.

I cupped my mouth and tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't help her from the screen. All I can do is to watch her when they hanged her upside down, obliviously in such belief that the little girl was possessed by an evil spirit. The innocent little girl whose name is Yuki grinning at the screen, for a seconds of being hanged.

Three people who are responsible for the kid's violent position cried in pain. Yuki's parents hugged each other while the shaman continued doing her ritual— busy spurting seeds and drop of water to every corner.

“T-Tsukete!” (help!) the last word Yuki uttered almost a whisper, before  the shaman drew her samurai and cut her head's off.

I closed my eyes and my heavy breath runs an intensive cold sweats— I just witnessed a crime. The video streaming continued with her parents' sobs.

“Yuki!” loud screamed of a mournful mother.

The sound of mourn stopped as the shaman spoke, “The evil spirit is elliminated.”

I heard a heavy thing fell from the video, I assumed it was the girl's lifeless and headless body.

I opened my eyes and see completely the three people present in the video. One thing is missing... Yuki's body.

The audio continued while my attention diverted.

The loud knock startled me. I squeezed my eyes and completely saw my door untouched which was confusing for it was banged and destroyed. The knock continued, even if I was enveloped by my fear and the violence I just witnessed, I still managed to crack a question to a footsteps coming near.

“W-What d-do you want?” I asked, shivering.

The door banged as it slowly opens, and it appears a figure of a little girl covered with blood.

She walks-in slowly while my breath shaking in fear. I'm scared.

“Help.” She smirked creepily as my breathing tighthened.

I heard the voice of the shaman that's hardly breathing and still managed to speak, “The evil spirit has found someone,” before darkness took my consciousness.

Lotus: Rebirth

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