#5: Unseen

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(Prequel of Anaa Atasil Jinn)



Long ago, god created mankind and unseen. In various sources, the origin of men was taken from different theories. Religiously, Adam and Eve as the root of men's existence.

But, who came first? Was it us or them- the unseen?

Far away in the kingdom of Persia which is presently as Iran, there's a boy in the scholar's hand, living and helping the scholar along with his disciples.

In an open desert, where all scholars and other people watching the wizard's show- a false prophet whose beard hanging on his chin, and whose headdress as heavy as those wizard in the Pharaos' side.

The crowd burst into laughter when he filled the stage with his terrifying announcement- which made the people laughed. Ironic.

"The god has sent the right path, rejoice the life's harvest in the next summer. But before..." the bearded man on-stage dramatically cut his palm with a knife which startled everyone, "the blood of human shall awaken the gods," bloods dripping from his palm.

The little boy squinted and hide himself from the scholar's back, which he found comfort from a violent trick that the wizard; false prophet played.

With that, the crowd started to express an amazement towards the performer after he heal himself in front for an instant. His loud chuckles terrified the innocent boy who witnessed the wizard's healing.

"Black magic still on its peak." The scholar shook his head in disgrace.


Summer came and plenty of crops harvested by most farmers. In the market where Hebrew and Aryans commonly at, the scholar asked the peddler from the South.

"How's the harvest?"

"Greetings!" He bowed his head, "Scholar, it's been good I sold half of my crops in just half of the day," said the Peddler, but the scholar shook his head.

"How's fishing?" he asked the fisherman from Persia's cost.

"Been good, I got plenty of fish," said the fisherman with a smile. But the scholar shook his head.

Evening came but the good news doesn't make him look and feel satisfied.

He moved to the cave of Jazlan together with the boy- who's now his official apprentice. The bloody moon appeared on the night sky but only the torch they had to lit up the dark cave.

"What's bothering you?" the boy asked the scholar curiously inside the terrifying cave.

Shoulder shrugged, the scholar took something from his cloak's pocket and placed it on his lap.

He took a deep breathed and answered, "The time has come. I'm going to show you something. No matter what happened, don't look up," said the scholar with a serious warning on his face.

"W-What is it? Is it something about how you disagree with the people's answer at the market?" the scholar turned his attention to the boy, "I saw how you shook your head, why is it?" He gulped as he asked the scholar.

"We can't save them." He dozed his head suddenly.

"Save who?" the curious boy asked with his temple creased.

Instead of answering, he continued reciting the mantra while performing the ritual.

"Stay focus," he warned the boy who felt a cold breeze coming from nowhere that's creeping in his skinny, innocent and fragile body.

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