Chapter 2 : A New Planet

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Uni got out of the R.A.M.P
"Time to Get something to eat that isn't oranges for once"
He checked his pockets
Finding a key and a weird device
"Where's the Makeshift sonic I made to hack into stuff?"
He realized the weird device was his sonic
"It looks a lot like the one from that show I used to watch, forgot the name of it"
He then decided to lock the door of the R.A.M.P with the Key
"Don't want anyone opening it"
He put the key to the R.A.M.P in his pocket
Getting out his wallet afterwards
"Good thing I kept a wallet I found, can't use the driver's license though, I'm not old enough to drive, and this isn't me on the license"
He went over to a store and purchased a bag of chips and a bottle of soda
He ate he as he walked back towards the alley he has parked the R.A.M.P in
He ran across some thugs
"Give us your money and valuables"
Uni yelled "NO!"
And ran between them going to the R.A.M.P
They were right behind him
He unlocked it just in time and shut it in their faces and locked it
They banged on the door
"Guess it's time I learn how to fly"
He read the manual and then flipped some switches and used a joystick
Making it fly up
He then flown into the sky
"The beautiful sky, This World doesn't have as many problems as mine, I think I was one of the last people with their minds left"
"I really wish my friends from there, especially Amy, but I think their all gone"
He calmed himself down
then He heard a loud buzzing
"What is that?"
He flipped some random switches
Looking at another screen
Which shown a radar
"What Is that on the radar?"
He looked at the radar
"Those aren't humans, what are they?"
It wizzed by the R.A.M.P crashing into a field
Uni got ready to investigate the crash

R.A.M.P Uni : New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now