Chapter 3 : Memories

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Uni flipped some switches some different colors, some different shapes, but everyone of them had a different purpose
Using a 2nd joy stick to look through a camera to get a look at the object
That crashed from afar
"It's blue?" He said to himself confused about it
He grabbed the first joystick pointing it towards the crash sight
Flipping some more switches up and switching others back down, some lights turned a bright green, some of the lights turned a crimson red, finally he grabbed a lever squeezing it and then pulling it up, sending him flying in the direction of the crash sight
"I can't believe I've got the hang of flying the R.A.M.P" he remarked to himself
"Heh... It feels empty without hearing anything" He said feeling even more alone then when he was in the lab
He shut his eyes, remembering back to when he was stuck there, Those creatures, Those Chemicals, And that Doctor he heard time to time He heard them talking about a "Hidden danger" He had met that doctor face to face before he left, That doctor was the only reason he managed to get out of that Universe, he had talked to him in a before they met face to face monitor
He tried to remember back to that conversation, it was fuzzy from what had just happened to him a hour before
"Hello!" He remembered ring from a monitor's speaker as he woke up
"Oh, hello?" He responded to the voice from the monitor
"Are you with that human?" He heard the remark
"No? What human?" He answered the question
"I see, well have a nice day then" the person said
"WAIT!" He yelled
"What is it?" He heard the person respond
"Who are you? I thought I was the only one with a mind left" He asked confused
"Oh, I am Dr. K, and you would be?" The voice responded
"Oh, I am Uni, Uni Ulf" He Responded to this doctor's question
"I remember a subject by that name" Dr. K remarked
"Oh! That makes sense, I did wake up in a pod" Uni said
"It's curious how you still have your mind, and the fact that your body looks Solid, You aren't like those other infected, Your like me" Dr. K Said, His words sounding surprised
"You should probably find a way out of here" Dr. K said
"There are infected coming towards you, I'll help you sense unlike the hidden danger, you seem to be more helpful and your a surprising subject, the implications of you having the K sample in a simple subject like you, Unimportant"
Dr. K said, Saying it with a investigative tone
"What's a K sample? And wait did you say Unimport-" He asked, getting cut off
"We don't have time! You need to move! I'm opening the doors towards the next room" He said
Uni then heard some clacking sounds from the speakers and outside of the entrance Footsteps
The doors slowly opened
"The doors could jam, with no engineer personnel it won't be able to be shut, locked, or opened" Dr. K said, warning Uni
He heard the footsteps get closer, Uni started to hesitate
"Get moving! Their insanely close to your location!" Dr. K yelled through the speakers
Uni snapped out of his haze and ran into the doors, hearing the doors Shut loudly, and sounds of machinery busting, he assumed that the doors Jammed
The speakers in that room powered on
"There isn't any monitors here, but your in luck, the speakers work just fine" Dr. K said using the speakers
"And the door's jammed, Luckily when you got inside, because the long way round is blocked off by crystals" Dr. K said, affirming what Uni had thought about the doors jammed, but he didn't get his crystals were that bad
"What's wrong with the crystals?" He asked, confused
"They'll Turn you into a marvelous one of those creatures, for you sense you are already one, you don't need to be infected"
"W - what do you mean by Need to be infected" He asked
"Oh, So you don't remember? It will take a while to explain" dr. K remarked
"For now you need to make your way towards my office fast, I'll try and help you the best I can" Dr. K told Uni
"Alright!" Uni yelled back
He walked into a open gate revealing a pool room
"A pool room? What was this made for?" He wondered
"It was made to study aquatic Versions of the cures" Dr. K Explained
"By aquatic you mean?"
"Tiger sharks Dog squids, and maybe others, I didn't work in the aquatic department so I can't really explain that many things here, the way to my room is the squid dog room, after that I will use some of the power left there to open the door, so I don't make every other pod reactivate" Dr. K said
"What should I do to avoid the infected?" Uni asked Dr. K
"You need to Make sounds to attract them to different parts of the pool" Dr. K informed him
Uni got out a can from his pocket throwing it into the left side of the pool, seeing fins come out of the water going towards the can that he had thrown, seeing the can getting pulled under, Uni didn't hesitate, he swam across the pool, knowing that if he is a second slower, he'd be one of them, in mind and body, he jumped onto the land, right before a shark could have pulled him under, he got up walking to a newspaper, he heard the water splash behind him, turning to see a shark jumping out of the water, going right for him, he thought fast, remembering the fact he still had his shoes, he waited for the right moment...

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