Chapter 4 : A new friend

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Uni had finally arrived next to the crashed object, the object was still smoking from re-entering earth's atmosphere, but somehow hadn't been broken apart
He got off the camera interface, stepping out to look at this object
It was a strange blue box, there was something written on the top of each of its sides
"Police Public Call Box?" Uni read the words on it, confused on why a police box had fallen from space
He walked to the doors, it has crashed onto the ground with the doors straight up
"No one is in here most likely" he thought to himself
His hands gripped the handles, he pulled the doors open
To find something strange, something more then strange, incredible
It was bigger on the inside like the new R.A.M.P
He was surprised, bewildered
The problem is that the interior of it was tilted, if he jumped inside he'd land on a wall most likely
He thought a bit going back into the R.A.M.P finding some spare cable from when he wired the thing up
He then thrown down the wire tying it so he can climb
He climbed down looking at the place
Before he heard some snapping, he looked above to see the wire was giving out under his weight
He tried to climb back up fast
He heard snapping with each movement
Then a final snap broke it
Thinking fast he moved his arm grabbing the door's handle
Leaving him hanging from the door, he can't get back up out of the thing
He did some thinking before coming up with a plan
He started to swing, he ended up landing on a support beam
"Too close" He remarked to himself
He looked at the middle of the room to see a console also sideways
"This could be alien tech" He remarked
"Heh! Aliens don't exist!" He said to himself
"But still whoever or whatever made this May have installed safety features to prevent control of it" He said to himself
"So right now I need to get out of here" he said to himself again, occupying himself with talking to prevent himself from panicking
He heard footsteps outside
"Hey! It could be someone that can save me!" He thought to himself
"It could also be someone that owns this thing and doesn't want to see intruders" he thought again
He looked for somewhere to dive to hide
"Nowhere to hide!" He remarked
Hearing the footsteps draw closer
Only one pair of footsteps
"Maybe I can blend in" he remarked to himself trying to make himself feel better
but the pillars were a golden yellow, his suit being a dark green so it would never work
He seen a man in the thing's doorway
"Who in the bloody hell are you?" The man yelled
"Just a stranger" Uni yelled back a bit timid
"You aren't a stranger! Your a intruder! Now explain why your in my ship! Before I come down there!" The man yelled angry
"My name is Uni! I just came to look at what crashed!" Uni yelled back scared
The Man paused for a moment
"What type of bloody idiot are you looking at a crashed object and not calling the authorities! Much less looking inside of it!" He seemed less mad and now just seems to be wondering why Uni gone into this
And the figure looked over to where the R.A.M.P is
"And what in the bloody hell is that! It looks like my ship but green!" He yelled down
"Tha-" he was cut off
"You'll explain once I get this fixed!" The man replied
Throwing down some rope that was tied to something
"Jump to it and tie it to the middle console!" The man yelled
Uni did as he was told taking a running start using the support, jumping right at the edge, gripping the rope
He pulled up the remaining rope
Tying it to the console's support
"Good job!" The man yelled
"Allonsy!" The man yelled sliding down the rope standing on the support the same as Uni
Uni could see the man better now
He had sideburns and brown hair that was spiked up, in a dark brown suit and tie
"Nice clothing" Uni said trying to calm himself down from getting yelled at from before
"Thanks, now you'll explain yourself once we get this fixed, and don't even think about trying to climb away using the rope!" He said, still a bit angered by Uni breaking into the ship
"So, How are we gonna fix this, Uhhh...." Uni paused not knowing the name of the ship
"It's a TARDIS" The man remarked
"Sounds strange" Uni said
"I know! But right now let's focus on getting this up and running" the man said
"Alright, so how do we fix this?" Uni asked
"Well, we need to just get to the console controls" The man said
"How?" Uni asked, confused about how to do that
"Untie the rope" The man said
Uni complied untying the rope
"Thanks!" The man yelled still focusing on the task
The man then tied the rope around his waist
"Ok I'll need you to keep me near the console" the man told Uni
Uni grabbed the rope
"Alright" Uni replied
"Good, now let's get to it!" The man said before he jumped down, the rope stopping his fall right at the console
"Now! Keep it in place!" He yelled
Uni did as the man said, keeping a strong and firm grip on the rope
"Atta boy, Uni!" The man yelled pressing buttons on the console
The place started to shake
"Keep your grip on the rope!" The man yelled
Uni kept his grip, scared because of the shaking
Then the place started to tilt
"That should do it!" The man yelled
"You should hold onto the rope now!" The man yelled
Uni grabbed onto it hanging off it
He closed his eyes, scared out of his mind
Feeling the cold ground hit his back
Then hearing footsteps come towards him as he opened his eyes
"Now for you!" The man said
"Tell me everything!" The man yelled
Uni tried to crawl to the door
"Oh no you don't!" He said as he blocked the doorway
Uni got up
"What do you want to know?" He said, just wanting to leave
"Why do you have a TARDIS like me?" He said
"I know for a fact I am the only one with one" he said
"Wait, I should have sensed it!" He said
"How are you a time lord? I know for a fact only me and the master are left" He said
"What is a time lord?" He asked
The man sighed
"Explain everything then I'll explain" The man said
"It isn't a TARDIS, whatever it is" Uni said
"How come you can fly it?" The man said
"It's like this but, it's a R.A.M.P" Uni stated
"What is a R.A.M.P?" The man asked
"Oh, it stands for Reality And Multiversal hole-Puncher" Uni said
"Wait, Your telling me you gone through universes?" The man said
The man started to look surprised
"What's wrong with it?" Uni asked, confused
"Its basically impossible nowadays, how did you create the machine, because I haven't heard of a R.A.M.P" the man asked
"First you tell me what a TARDIS is?" Uni asked
The man sighed
"Time And Relative Dimension In Space" The man said
"What does it do" Uni asked
"Next question for me, how are you a time lord" The man asked
"I don't know I just got here, then woke up human again" Uni said
"Wait! What do you mean "Again?" The man asked confused
"I was first a human, then I was a weird wolf creature, thankfully I kept my mind and got out of there and my body glowed yellow when I got here, I seen my body explode into flames and then I woke up human again" Uni explained
"You regenerated then" He said
"Regenerated?" Uni asked
"But how come you became a time lord when you came here?" The man asked to himself
The man ignored Uni talking to himself out loud
Uni didn't try and get the man's attention
"Perhaps when you came here, your Human mind and Non human body contained different DNA, surprisingly when the brain didn't reject the body altogether, it made a mixed DNA environment of Nonhuman and Human DNA, the Mixed DNA and the fact you had transported realities made reality basically glitch, meaning that in the end, you got turned time lord out of luck" The Man explained
"Ok?" Uni replied confused
"May I see this R.A.M.P's interior?" The Man said
"Ok, but your name first" Uni asked
"It's The Doctor" The man said
The two shook hands, finally having introduced themselves to each-other
"Also do you have a book on time lords? Because I don't understand much about them" Uni asked
"I actually do, I'll let you barrow it" the doctor said before he walked into a room
He came out Minutes later with a big book and a diagram
"Here's a book on time lord history and a poster of time lord biology" The Doctor handed Uni
"Don't worry I'll let you finish the Book before I ask for it back" The Doctor told Uni
The two walked out of the TARDIS Over to the R.A.M.P before hearing a loud sound from above

End of Chapter 4

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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