Chapter 2 The Voice Reveals Itself

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Crystal awoke in the middle of the night with a start. The rainstorm outside began releasing loud cracks of thunder which shook the whole house with their vibrating repercussions.

Jesus, she thought to herself as she sat up in bed, looking outside out her window to the torrential storm raging outside Its only getting worse... Id better get my flashlight ready in case the power lines get knocked over. Crystal slipped her comforter off of herself and went over to the closet where she kept her flashlight. I sure hope i remember where i put that stupid thing...

As she reached for the knob of the closet door, Crystal's head began to throb violently. "No... Not now..." she said quietly as she began to feel top heavy, falling down onto the floor burying her face in her hands. Crystal then began hearing the voice whisper in her head again, in its strange, gibberish language. This time however, the voice was much more clear, and despite Crystal not knowing any other language other than English, she could pick out some of the words the voice was whispering. "God...Ocean...Beware...the war... Kill us all...Must be...King..." And then, just as quickly as it came on, the voice silenced itself once again.

What the Hell was that?!? Crystal thought to herself as she stopped withering on the floor in agony. OK... I think ts time to get checked out for insanity Crystal... She picked herself up off the floor and suddenly felt very tired.Rather than take another step towards her closet, Crystal fell back down on her bed and immediately drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Crystal... Crystal Lorraine Rose..." An unseen entity whispered from the shadows of Cystal's mind. "W-What? Whats going on here? What is this?" Crystal spoke even though all she could see in her dream was darkness. "Listen to me child... I am Aquarius, Goddess of the Oceans and Water."

"G-Goddess?" Crystal said in a very confused and frightened tone. "What are you doing in my dream? Why are you here?!?"

"Child, im not simply in your dreams, I'm also in your mind. Have you not heard me?"

"Wait! That was you whos been in my head all this time?!?" Crystal said frantically and angrilly. "Why?!? Why are you in my head? Why wont you just leave me alone?!?"

"I wish I could child, but unfortunetly i am to posses you until the war is over."

"War?!? What war?!?" Crystal asked in a frantic tone of voice.

"There is war amongst the Gods. Our previous King Zeus was recently assassinated by a mysterious blade with God-Slaying capabilities. Before his death however, Zeus had never named his successor. Therefore, we must fight in an every-man-for-himself fight to the the death, where the last God or Goddess standing shall be the ruler of heaven." Aquarius said in a much more serious and solemn tone than before.

"So why are you doing this to me then? Why have you invaded my mind?!?"

"In order to save the entire universe from destruction by a war between the Gods in their normal state, we have each infiltrated a human's body. These humans shall be the ones fighting to the death for us."

"W-What?!? You're going to have us kill each other?!?"

"It's a for the best, a God of honesty and goodness suggested it to us. But don't worry, some of my powers over water can be used by you for either protection or to kill the competition."

"Your power?!?" Crystal said in a confused tone.

"Yes, some of my influence over the world's water has been allotted to you. Why do you think this rainstorm has been going on as long as it has?"

"Well... I thought it was just some freak storm..." Crystal confessed.

"No, you can control the rain, the flow of rivers, and even the waves of the ocean by using your emotions. Your constant depression has brought upon this unrelenting storm..."

"..." Crystal didn't say a word as she reflected on the past two weeks, how she began hearing Aquarius' voice around the same time the rain storm began.

"Well, now that you are beginning to understand what's going on, I'll leave you to your rest. You're going to need it for when I start training you to use your power in the morning. Now sleep..."

"Wait! How can I-" Crystal was cut off as her conscious slipped away into the darkness and she returned to a state of deep sleep for the remainder of the night...

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