Chapter 3 The Watching Demigod

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From a long distance away, standing alone in the pouring rain in the middle of the night, Hygen Kokomi spied through his binoculars towards the girl called Crystal Lorraine's house, his cigarette struggling to stay lit through the falling precipitation. "Filgurd?... You sure this is the human Aquarius took over?" He specks to himself, knowing full well the god who possesses him could hear him loud and clear. "Yea, that's definitely her. Leave it to Aquarius to pick out the most worthless human for this war... You're females are so delicate..." The voice in his head responds.

"Mmm... So why are we killing her first?" Hygen asked as he took the binoculars away from his face.

"You Idiot! I already explained it to you! Aquarius is the goddess of water, I'm the God of fire! Now do you see the problem!?!" Filgurd angrily responded.

"Alright, alright chill. All we have to do is kill the girl right? Simple enough, we just lead her out of the house, and then she has a little "accident" and its all good then right?"

"No, this just whittles down the competition a bit so that it'll be easier to go after other afflicted humans without having to worry about her trying to drown us every time we turn around!"

"You know something Filgurd?" Hygen casually said as he dug hid pinkie finger into his left ear "you might have more friends if you didn't shout so much..."

"Simple minded human! I shall soon be the king of the Gods! I have no use for petty friendship!" Filgurd boasted loudly.

"Really? Cause after getting arrested for the third time, my parole officer became my best friend in the world. Too bad his eyesight is going... if you know what I mean." Hygen grinned in spite of himself.

"What are you talking about? That human has excellent eyesight!"

"Not when I hook him up with the good bourbon he doesn't..."

"Does he really get that drunk?" Filgurd asked in a clueless tone.

"You don't handle sarcasm well do you?..." Hygen asked in a slightly annoyed tone.


"Nevermind... Let's just focus on killing the girl tomorrow..." Hygen said as he threw his cigarette into one of the neighbor's yards without any consideration and returned to his motorbike. As soon as he put his helmet on, Filgurd began talking to him again. "You've never killed anyone before, have you?"

"Nope, I've robbed a convenience store, took the air out of my dad's tires, set fire to a children's playground, had sex with a whore, smoked an entire carton of cigarettes, and flicked off the cops the whole time while doing it, but no. I haven't killed anyone...yet. Tomorrow should be fun Filgurd..."

"Heh, well at least you're honest..." Filgurd said before Hygen revved the engine of his bike loudly as if to intentionally wake the neighbors, then drove off into the night.

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