Chapter 6 The Sound of Music

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"I'm beginging to see why you always have these headphones on, you humans are far too noisy. Can't say what you're listening to is much better, but at least it fits into the music sub-genere..." The God of music Melodis complained (as he usually did) inside Kelly Kurout's head as she boarded the british subway train.

Melodis, this is the best music the human world has to offer! Now shut up, I cant concentrate on the music with you constantly whining about it.

"First you want to drown out the outside world by using your music as a distraction, then you want to actually show some focus? Why must you humans be so fickle?"

Kelly didn't respond with a thought as she usually did. She just slouched over in her seat as the subway began to shift in motion, still keeping her head phones strapped over top her head. For Kelly, music was her way of escaping her outside problems. She grew up in a rough area on the West side of Chicago underparents who constantly cheated on one another and never paid any attention to her needs. Consequently, she went looking for a safehaven, a place for her to escape to. she found what she was looking for in her Uncle's recording studio, where she heard all sorts of new-age rock and heavy-metal artists record their music. Kelly quickly took a liking to this genere and began to conform herself to fit the mold that music made, getting her hair cut short and dyed blue, a nose ring, and several tatoos. The other girls at her school would always refer to her as "the freaky goth girl" or "that one emo chick". Despite their attemts to bully her into submission, Kelly never gave in, for she knew she wasn't one of the stupid, teenage girls who slit their wrists everytime a member of a boy band leaves the group to go solo.

Even before Melodis began possesing her, Kelly knew she was a special person. Or at least she thought she was...

While in Chicago, she hung out with the rough crowd, and eventually met a boy who called himself Snake. She and Snake got to talking, and found out they ad a lot in common. The two fell in love with each other and agreed to marry in the place where punk-rock originated, (Snake's favorite type of music)London.

Snake moved on ahead of Kelly in order to but them a small apartment and get things started up for her when she moved to come and live with him. It looked like a perfect, story-book ending for Kelly, up until tragedy struck.

She remembers the day the Chicago police officers came knocking on her door to inform her about Snake's involvement in a drug-dealing ring which the London Police force launched a sting operation to terminate. During that operation, Snake was gunned down after violently resisting arrest and died at a nearby hospital an hour later.

Despite this earth-shattering news, Kelly continued with her and her late fiancé's plan, and eventually moved into the apartment Snake had begun to prepare for them. Since then, she's mellowed out a bit, removing a large amount of her piercings, letting her hair grow out a bit, and stopped dyeing it blue, but she still keeps her stereotypical emo attitude.

As the Subway came to a halt at Kelly's stop, she stood up out of her seat and slid the head phones away from her ears and let them clamp around her neck.

Kelly took her bag off of the luggage rack and walked out the sliding doors of the subway to face a crowd of impatient people who were eager to get on. Kelly could have never imagined what would happen next, nor did she see it coming...

A single shot rang out from the crowd of people, untraceable due to the vast amount bodies in the vicinity. It didn't make a difference either way, the assassin's bullet found it's mark and lodged itself directly into Kelly's head, right between the eyes. She was dead before she hit the floor, and Melodis was sent back to heaven, unable to compete in the contest to determine the next King of the Gods.

Everything had gone according to plan...

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