First Day

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I had to meet up with my agent at a restaurant in Irvine California for some reason. It was a long drive considering traffic in this state was horrible. I was still paranoid going anywhere alone after what Ricky had done to me.

Here's a little back story. My name is Karina I live in Huntington Beach with my three best friends Stephanie, Holland and Phoebe. Stephanie was a student at UCLA and we had both been going until I started landing a few parts in shows and movies. Currently I was in Mayans with Holland.

Things had been going great for us the past few years until I did a photoshoot for Gucci and I teamed up with a guy named Ricky. He's a tattooed model from England. We had became friends until he found out i was dating and very briefly Dylan O'Brien and he did a complete 180 and became very controlling, following me where ever i went and showed up at random places I was at.

I had stopped communicating with him after that and he lost it completely to the point where he showed up in New York during fashion week and ended up getting into my apartment.

It had been a long day after the fashion show I didn't go to the after party and decided to get some sleep before the last day. When I walked in everything was dark and my dog Zeus didn't run up to me immediately like he always did. He was a Siberian Husky and was only 2 years old.

I kept calling his name and decided to check my bedroom. He sometimes liked sleeping in my bathtub since it was fresh to him. I had slipped walking in and turned the lights on. To my horror and the huge scream I had let out I saw blood all over the place and he was not moving. I won't go into detail about how gruesome it was, suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and I screamed again as I struggled against the other person. Finally being let go I turned my vision blurry from the tears.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!?! Did you kill my dog you fucking psycho son of a bitch!" I screamed.

"I had to baby, no one and nothing can get in between us now. All I need is to take care of that boy and those three toxic friends of yours and you'll be all mine." Ricky said with a sinister smile.

I instantly ran to get away from him and tried to get to the front door but he tackled me to the ground and we both fell really hard with me hitting my head on the hard cold floor. I was seeing spots all over. I couldn't even get up from the splitting pain in my head.  I felt myself being picked up as I whimpered.

"W-why..." was all I managed to say as my world turned black.

When I came to I was on the couch completely naked and saw an equally naked Ricky standing by my fireplace. I tried to get up but my body felt like it was on fire. I then noticed the bruises on me. I started to gag imagining what he had just done.

"Even unconcious you still put up a good fight." He turned to me and I could see the claw marks on him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I whispered as I tried to cover myself. I had seen my purse on the floor along with my maze. Even in pain I launched for it before he could do anything and sprayed him in the face, I instantly picked up the lamp and hit him multiple times before getting my blanket and running out of the apartment banging on doors as I went.

My life was saved that day as people came out looking at the commotion going on. He was arrested and charged. He is now serving life in prison. He will be eligible for parole in a few years. My agent now thought I needed more security after that one that would literally be with me 24/7 which I felt unnecessarily but I couldn't argue my way out of it.

He had set up a few interviews before today but none made the cut besides this guy who also had a dog, I think he said a pitbull but I wasn't sure. I was now 5 minutes away from the restaurant he said it was good since it's out of LA and not super crowded.

I finally showed up and let my self breath for a bit before walking inside. I instantly saw Mike with a guy that seemed huge compared to Mike's 5'9" frame. "Hey Karina so glad you could make it." He said as he gave me a hug then pulled my chair out for me.

"Karina this is Trevor Wagner. Trevor this is Karina. The one I've been constantly talking about." Mike said. I finally turned and looked at the guy. He was beautiful. I had never seen a guy with such captivating green eyes before. Not just any ordinary green his eyes were vibrant and really stood out against his complexion and dark brown almost black hair. "Hi its nice to finally meet you, huge fan by the way." Trevor said.

I couldn't take my eyes off him. He seemed tall, muscular and had a few tattoos and piercings. Not the average bodyguards I had seen. "Hi nice to meet you too." I said.

That was when I met him, and I knew I was in trouble.

Yay so first chapter let me know what you guys think. :)

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