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I finally got out of my shower, brushed my teeth again. I had forgotten to get clothes so I wasn't ready to walk out in just a towel. Before I did I dropped the towel and looked at myself. I was far from perfect. I had stretch marks on my thighs, my boobs were definitely not small. I had been a c38 since I was 23 and at times even a double d depending on the bra.

My boobs sagged a bit from how big they were and I had a small tummy along with some cellulite. I didn't mind it and Dylan never complained. Even when I dated Harry for a few months way back he loved my body.

I just didn't know how Trevor would react. He's younger than them and guys today seem to have a preference. I finally put the towel back on and walked out. I didn't see Trevor, Rin or her bed. I saw a note on my freshly made bed. "Hey I noticed you didn't take any clothes into the shower with you and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable after you came out.. I went to my room and took Rin out for a walk. Come get me when your done. Don't knock just come in. XO Trev." He was too cute for his own good.

I finished getting ready. I wore black ripped skinny jeans with a black off the shoulders long sleeve shirt with some black doc Martin's. I added eye liner, mascara, powder foundation and blood red lipstick. I curled my long dark brown hair. I was finished and decided to spend the day with Trevor making up for lost time. The girls had texted saying they had a lot to do today and to not expect them till late tonight. Fero had decided to spend some time with his girls and his gf.

I almost knocked on Trevor's door then remembered he told me to just come in. It felt weird at first but not so bad. He was putting on his shoes when he stopped to look at me. "Wow!" Was all he said. "Is that a good wow or a bad wow?" I asked suddenly feeling a bit insecure. "Baby its definitely a good wow. I've seen you in high heels, shorts and a nice top each time. This is something I haven't seen." He said coming closer. This made me feel better.

He came a lot closer and got to my eye level. "You really have no idea what you do to me." He whispered as he gave me butterfly kisses. I just giggled but I loved the way we were taking things slow and not rushing anything. Yeah we kissed and cuddled but we haven't fully made out or had sex. We haven't really been sexual or on a date.

I liked the way we talked at times and got to know each other better. He was an anime fan like myself. He loves his dog, he cares about his friends and believe in or not he was actually a kinky fucker. I was slowly but surely getting to know him. Oh and his favorite color like most males is blue.

We had decided a day in would be too boring and went to eat at my favorite sushi place just a few minutes from my house. Sushi on fire, they have the best edamame and spicy rolls ever.

"You are putting that away for a tiny person." Trevor laughed as I devoured my sushi.

I couldn't help but also laugh at the fact that I had no shame. Which I really didn't. I like to eat and will continue to eat in front of guys. "Sorry. I was just so hungry and I love the sushi here." I told him. "Its okay I like that fact that you can eat. Are you cold?" He asked. "A bit. Its usually not this cold in September but I feel like I'm freezing." He took off his sweater an handed it to me. "No Trev it's cold and I don't want you to be with out one." I told hin trying to give it back.

"Hun it's fine it just gives me an excuse to get closer to you if I get cold." He said and took a sip of his beer. I couldn't help but blush. I was always blushing around him. Dylan and Harry never made me blush as much but I honestly liked it with him more. "Thank you that's an adorable gesture." I said and put the sweater on.

"So why Huntington Beach of all places in California?" He asked. "I like it here. I have more freedom to do stuff without having a bunch of people follow me around with a camera all day. The residents here are also nice I get a hi or asked for a pic once in a blue moon but I love it cause I'm not hassled. I feel more free then I do in LA or NY." I said.

He nodded in understating. "What about you, what made you want to become a tiktoker?" I asked. He laughed. "I honestly just made the videos for fun at first, I wasn't the best looking guy I was chunky and just not in the best of shapes. I was going through a few phases."

After we ate we decided to hit up the beach and sat down. "So what do you mean by phases?" I asked once we got settled. "Well here are a few." He says showing some pics of him through out all the years. From elementary, middle school, high school to the last few years and I honestly thought each one he was adorable and if I had been his age and new him back then I would have bagged him.

"What are you talking about I think you are freaking adorable and if I was your age I would have made you a daddy a long time ago." I said being honest. I had seen him shiver. "Are you cold? I can give you back your sweater. They have a bunch of shops here and..." again I was interrupted by his soft luscious lips. "Baby I'm fine. I shivered for a different reason which I will tell you about someday. But the fact that you would have dated me even after seeing me like that makes me feel amazing and I'm hoping you were being 100% truthful." He said with his lips still very close to mine.

"I honestly would have. Especially once you got in your 20s oh my goodness. I would have had your child and locked you down." He started laughing as he threw his arm around me. "That honestly makes me super fucking happy. Okay what about you?" I leaned more into him.

"I don't have pics on my phone but I do have a photo album at home. I was the nerdy girl with glasses and frizzy curly hair that people always picked on. No joke. I was bullied so much in high school. I was a double zero size. I had acne." I said playing with the sand. "I'm sure you were still beautiful even under those glasses and frizzy hair." He said. I just looked at him in admiration. "Why did you go from jock back to your I guess emo rocker phase?" I asked. Giving him a light kiss on his cheek.

"I thought I was in love with this girl but she completely broke me. I started gaining weight, I lost a lot of friends, I lost myself until I decided no more. I started hitting up the gym again. Getting more tattoos, piercings, dying my hair and I started getting a following on tiktok did a bit of modeling and I loved it since." He said also playing with the sand but he was making designs. Me I was digging for sea shells.

"I don't make tiktok videos I just watch a lot of videos on it. Specially about animals." I told him. "I'm offended, I'm practically your boyfriend and you haven't even watched mine!" He said, I knew he was joking but it still made me laugh but also for the way he looked at me. "Um so we are starting to put titles?" I asked.

He just kind of looked at me with his eyes scrunched up but I could still see the green coming out. He got a hold of my hand. "I like you that's definitely clear. We don't need titles. I just want you to know that I'm yours." He said still playing with my hand as he turned to look at the waves coming in.

And I'm definitely yours too giant. I didn't say anything just leaned more into him as we both look out into the horizon enjoying our day together.

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