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Arriving at his old place and seeing multiple cars outside instantly made me nervous. "Trevor are you sure about this?" I asked. I may be in movies and shows but with those if I mess up we just redo it. I don't get a do over with his friends. I kept looking at the house when I felt something grab my hand. "Hey look at me." I turned to him. "You're gonna be okay. Stay with me the whole time. I won't let anything happen to you. If after a while you wanna go we will go. I got you no matter what." He said giving my hand a light kiss.

I think my eyes opened up wider than normal he just laughed and got out of the car. He opened my door and offered me his hand. "Come on you'll meet Fero as well he's gonna work with you also." He said as he opened the house door. "Yo wheres everyone at?" Trevor yelled. I saw a female run towards him. She was short as well had tattoos and slightly short hair. "Dude holy shit your Karina!!" She said coming up to me after hugging Trevor. "Hi nice to meet you." I said. I hadn't realized me and trevor were still holding hands until she looked and cleared her throat. We let go much to our disappointment.

"Um I'm Angela but everyone calls me Hawk." She said extending her hand after I quickly let go of Trevor's. "That's a pretty cool nickname. I love it!" I tell her. She squeals. "Dude she is adorable. I've seen all the shows and movies you've been in. Do you sing or was that someone else?" She asked. "I can sing I just choose not to. I like being more laid back and not in the spotlight." I told her. "I'm sorry for saying this I'm so glad to hear your okay. What happened definitely sucked and I wished for a speedy recovery after." Angela said.

"Thank you that means so much. It was a struggle but I'm getting better." I tell her as she gave me a quick hug. I noticed Trevor looking at us confused. "I'll tell you later." I tell him. After that we walked more into the house and I saw a few other females and a bunch of guys standing around making tiktok videos. "Is this the girl you ditched me for?" Said a guy that looked like he between 5'8 to 5'10". "Yes this is her. Karina this is Fero. Fero this is our boss." He told him and his eyes got wide. "Holy shit I'm so sorry. Hi, didn't mean any disrespect." Fero said getting nervous.

"Its all good I won't fire you... yet." I said while the others laughed. I went around meeting a lot of people. Collin, evan, nick, ben, jake, Doug, gus, kody, Miriam, Jenning and a few others whose names I didn't quite catch since it was so many.  I sat between Angela and Trevor on the couch. Me and her were having a conversation about acting and modeling while the rest kept making plans. "You invited her. Are you serious!?!" I heard Trevor get mad. He stood up and both myself and hawk just looked to see what had happened.

"I'm sorry she asked me what I was doing today and it honestly slipped." I believe she said her name was Kody. "Look its bro code none of us want to feel uncomfortable just tell her it's a full house and we can't have more people."  Gus stated. "Guys she's literally like 5 minutes away I cant do that. Maybe the actress should leave since she's not part of the group." She said. I saw hawk get up. "The actress! bitch she hasn't brought any drama. You and your little friend have. Trevor has been through enough. The two of you need to leave. We were here before you and we will be here after."

She said getting in the other girls face. I pulled Trevor to me. "Look I really don't want any drama. I'll go home. It's fine. I'll call you as soon as I walk in through the front door plus Stephanie should already be home by then. And I'll come back to get you when your ready. " I told him. "No no hey. Ugh come here." He pulled me out of the livingroom and towards another part of the house. He opened the door and let me inside. "That's Jessica's best friend. I'm sure she didn't let it slip. You are in no way making anyone feel bad or uncomfortable. Besides I see the way everyone is looking at you and I'm sure they all want a chance to meet you." He said placing his hand on my cheek.

"Trev I really don't want to make anyone leave. They don't know me and I honestly feel okay with just..." I instantly shut up when I felt lips upon mine. Whoa this escalated quickly. "Does it matter that I want you here with me." He said as he pulled away. I'm sure my face was still in shock. I couldn't form the words.

"Did you- did you just... kiss me?" I asked. He laughed. "Yeah I didn't know what else to do and I heard girls love that shit." He said. "So I'm just a random girl you felt the need to just kiss." I said. "No oh my god no not like that. Fuck. I think I like you. You make me feel welcome as I walked in through the door. You care so much about others and you put others before yourself. You have an attitude from what I've seen earlier and stand your ground. Yes I knew who you were before I took the job. I didn't just do it for the money... I did it so I could get close to you." He trailed off.

I didn't know what to say. I knew he would be trouble and plus he's younger than me. Did he not know that. "I was abused and sexually assaulted by my stalker 7 months ago. After that I broke up with my boyfriend because I couldn't stand the way he always looked at me with pity. I haven't dated or kissed anyone since the accident not even him. I'm scared to date anyone or even fall for another person in fear of what's happened before. I still have nightmares. Oddly enough when I slept in your bed that was the first time I didn't have one in almost 8 months." I took a deep breath.

"You are definitely the type of guy I go for. I don't want to ruin things, trevor I'm 10 years older than you. I'm 35 years old. How would this work even if we took baby steps? The only outcome I see is me hurting you because of my stupid fear." I said so low i didn't know if he heard me. "I'm a very patient man, i don't care about the age difference. You don't look older than me i think you look younger. I will help you as best as i can to trust again. If baby steps is what you want I'll do it. I'm sorry for the shit you've been through it's not fair. And if I ever get a hold of the stupid piece of shit that did this. I will hurt him to the point where he will never even breathe your way." He said all that whole caressing my cheek.

I leaned my head into his hand. I didn't say a word just stayed quiet and eventually hugged him. We heard a soft knock before seeing fero open the door. "They both left. It's safe to come out now unless you guys want some alone time." He said smirking at us when I saw Trevor shut the door. "Hey I'm just saying. These walls are thin we will hear everything!" He said.

"He's an idiot but that's my best friend." I giggled at his words. He lifted my head up by my chin and gave me a soft peck on the lips. "Is that okay?" He asked. I nodded my head saying yes. After a few minutes we walked out of the room and everyone stated with who they would do a tiktok with of course I did one with Hawk and with Trevor. I did a few with the rest but for some of reason those two meant more to me. I felt like hawk and I connected on a different level.

Trevor did a whole one where he was trying to be cute and get a kiss from me but I just pretended to reject him. Everyone was laughing at us. They said I should win an oscar for my superv acting performance. I just laughed at how I would never get one.

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