Moving Up

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After finally calming down and getting soft touches from Trevor. "Its not fair!" I said in a raspy voice. He looked at me as if asking what I was talking about. "You didn't finish. Let me get some energy and I'll help you out." I told him trying to get back up.

"Baby, baby. I did. I actually did. Just feeling you and how tight you are and when you tighten around my fingers. I could just imagine what our official first time would feel like and I actually also came as well." He said. "I'm gonna run to my room real quick and change actually, but I will be back in less than 5 minutes." He said pecking my lips and running out the balcony door to his room.

I kept fighting hard to keep my eyes open. But I was way to relaxed. I felt safe, wanted, happy and tired all in one. I knew I could trust him. Both my heart and head kept saying and even that gut feeling kept telling me the same thing.

I had heard my door open and close again. I felt the sinking of my bed as my eyes struggled to stay open. "Go to sleep baby I'm not going anywhere." Ca.r his sweet voice as I slowly drifted into a dreamless sleep.


I watched her as she slowly fell asleep. She was using my arm as a pillow and I ran my fingers up and down her arm. It was kind if scaring me how fast I wanted to move with this woman. When she smiled or looked my way I got nervous and excited. I felt like I could do anything I wanted and be myself with out putting up a front. I felt myself falling for her and the fear of losing her in anyway especially by myself wanting to put a title scared me.

I hadn't felt this way and the last time I did, she screwed me up in a way I didn't think possible but then Jessica came a long I thought it would be good between us and then she ended up using me for likes and followers. I could tell Karina was different she didn't like being in the spotlight. She liked making sure everyone was part of the conversation and always smiled when people smiled at her.

I may have also googled her and found out she donated thousands of dollars to help rescue animals in California from the fires. She donated to BLM and attended the LGBTQ parades all over the world showing support.

She was huge on animals and always donated her time and  money to them. She loves to travel and her family and friends came first. I couldn't help but admire her and the shit she's been through. Getting sexually assaulted and losing her dad all in a span of a few months.

I felt for her but she still kept smiling, she was still sarcastic, funny and all around great to be around. She had a pull to her and she didn't even pull me I just gravitated towards her the moment I saw her.

I'm a very lucky guy to be able to hold someone like her in my arms. I wanted her to cling to me and show me she needs me but Karina seems to be a very independent woman who definitely doesn't need a man but I wouldn't mind feeling appreciated.

I slowly drifted to sleep with my dreamed consumed of a future with the girl in my arms.


The next morning I woke up again tangled in Trevor's arms and legs. I definitely didn't mind it but my bladder was screaming for release. He looked so peaceful I decided not not wake up and took Rin out for her business after I did mine. After that Fero took over for me while Trevor continued to sleep. I went into the office and answered some emails. Mostly emails about movies and scripts I would be "perfect" for. They wanted me a 35 year old to play a high school student in a few or a girl barely going to college.

I just declined. I would rather play someone older. Such as the doctor on chicago med. Or a skilled warrior in love on tlk. I was offered to go help the lions in Africa unfortunately I wouldn't be able to go but I made a great donation for them and eat my sincere gratitude in asking for me. I had to declined since Mayans was filming around the same time. Luckily that was here in California after that I would only have a few weeks free and fly out to Chicago for 3 months to film. Come back in time for the next filming of The Last Kingdom and that was overseas.

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