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We made small talk while we ate. Trevor was unusually quiet and I felt bad since he didn't know anyone besides me and then he hardly knew me as well. His phone had started ringing and he walked outside to answer it. "Okay so he's definitely hot and totally your type. How old is he and did you check out those arms." Colton said. I just laughed. "Seriously though. I mean you've been single for months now and I know what happened was tragic but I feel like it's time you get back out there babe." He continued. "Colt he works for her technically it's not allowed." Holland said.

"He is definitely cute though." She said. "He is that's for sure but I also think he had to sign something saying he wouldn't mess with me in an unprofessional manner. Shh he's coming back." I said as I saw him walk towards us. "Um that was Mike he needs to see us as soon as possible." Trevor said. "Oh okay. Um you wanna go with us or will you two be riding together?" I asked them.

"You go I'll have Colton drop me off later. He lives close by and I need a nap." Holland said. We said our goodbyes and this time for the first time ever since I had my car Trevor took my keys away and said he was driving. I stood with my mouth wide open as he opened the passenger door for me. "This will never happen again." I told him as I got in. He just laughed, closed my door and got in the drivers side. "Whatever you say short cake." He said.

I heard my phone beeps multiple times knowing it was a few texts. When I looked I saw Holland and Colton looking equally as shocked. "Your letting him drive?!?!" From Colton and from holland it said. "Wow I can't believe my eyes. You definitely have a thing for him." I just shook my head.

We had arrived at Mike's office 40 minutes later. The drive was pretty quiet with very small talk with him just asking about my friends. We walked inside and Linda his receptionist let us in. Mike was on the phone in what seemed like a heated argument. "I don't care what he says make it happen." He then disconnected the call. "Hey guys come in sit down. Just a few things we need to discuss." He said as we sat with Trevor on my right. "Okay so first thing first. How was the first night?" He asked.

"It was okay we spent it at home mostly." I replied. "Good good. Did anything else happen?" Mike asked knowing what he was getting at which made me slightly uncomfortable.

"No we just organized our rooms ate pizza, watched movies, went to bed and this morning we met up with Holland and Colton." I replied. Feeling red as a tomato.

"Okay good. So I have a few things you both need to sign. Just agreements that you won't leave the house without each other. So Karina where ever Trevor goes you go and vise versa." Mike said. After signing the paperwork he asked Trevor to step out for a bit while he spoke with me. "Karina, he's a good looking guy and he's solid pick to protect you. I just want to make sure nothing happens between you two that shouldn't. We can't stop it but just keep it on the down low okay?" Mike said.

"Yeah I know trust me I know how this works Mike. Thank you again I'll see you soon. Tell lisa and the kids k say hi." I tell him and walk out. Trevor again was outside in the phone. As I walked out he looked at me and started walking towards my car. "I get it but we decided this would be for the best. Some distance would be nice. I gotta go Jess. Bye." He said hanging up the phone and opening the door for me again. Once we both got in I asked if he was okay which he replied. "Yeah just a girl i was seeing a while back. She mind of became toxic so i ended things with her but she got word that i became a bodyguard to a hotshot celebrity and doesn't like that very much."

Hotshot celebrity if anything I barely have a wikipedia page. "Oh okay I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it all works out for you. And I'm barely on celebrity status not even close to hotshot one." I said laughing. We both just laughed. "Well if she knew who it was I was protecting she would say something along the lines of she's super hot and your type." He said without realizing he had just called me hot.

"You think I'm hot?" He just smiled and that's when I saw him get red. "I... I mean. Um yeah you are. Sorry if I over stepped." He said. "No, of course not your okay. I think your pretty hot too." I said as I turned away. Bold Karina very bold. "So what are we doing now?" I asked changing the subject.

I could still see the blush in his face. "Well I'm supposed to meet up with a few friends at my old place to do a few tiktok videos and since mike said you need to go where I go and I need to go where you go. We are doing that." He said. "Look what Mike doesn't know won't hurt him. You can drop me off at the house I'll be fine. It's a gated community." I said not wanting to intrude on his time. "You're going besides it may be fun for you to be out and about with new people. I promise my friends are great some are out here visiting for a bit. Plus they've never met a hot celebrity before." He said giving me that award winning smile. "Ugh fine okay let's go." I said giving in. "Cool." He replied. I just hopped his friends were nice and no one would try anything. "Promised to stay by my side?" I asked.

"I will do anything to keep you safe Karina." I felt the trust in his words and my heart did a leap. I knew deep down I could definitely trust this man no matter what. I also knew that slowly but surely my walls would come down.

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