Chapter 6: A Prophe- Wait What?

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Aequales POV

I left Herobrine's house shortly after... the thing. I don't understand why I have this strange, strange magnetism when it comes to him. It's like I'm a moth and he is the brightest light around. I keep coming closer, but inside, I'm so confused at why. Sometimes he makes my warm to my core, and a little bit lower, and other times, I want to shove my foot up his ass. There is only so much a girl can take.
I push my mess of purple waves from my face. I am so wrapped in thought, I barely notice that I have reached house. I sigh, thudding up the front steps, fishing out my key. The lock clicks open and I slide in. The door swishes as I close and relock it. I kick off my shoes and set them neatly on a shoe tray. I shuffle over to the living room and slump into a chair. Only a few moments later, I hear my parents glide down the stairs.
Okay, one thing you have to know about my parents, they are ethereal. If there isn't a picture of them in the dictionary next to the word 'ethereal' then there needs to be. With their shimmering skin and glittering light silk clothes, combined with their flawless pale complexion, well, my mom is pale. And the thing is, they don't try and act or dress a certain way, they just are that way. For example, today my mom is wearing a dress that ends just above her knees. But the sleeves are swooping and the shoulders low. And the thick belt at her waist somehow makes with the outfit. And even though her hair is cut in a bob, it works for her. My father, on the other hand, manages to pull of his outfit of a newborn pink button up and black dress pants, despite being a dragon. Of course, he isn't in that form right now, but he still has a tail, wings and horns and is scaled in some random places, like a patch on him cheek. They are beautiful and graceful... and then there's me.
I am once again jarred from my thoughts by my parents sitting down in the chair across from me, my mother perched in my father's lap. It reminds me of earlier when-
"Aequal?" My mom looks at me quizzically. "How did your project go?"
I swallow. "It's went well. I got a few more points to add to my list. Of course it will take a little while to get them all, but I know I can."
"Aequal, who is your project partner?" My mom sounds wary.
My parents exchange a look. Then my mom stands, walking over to the bookcase. She kneels and opens up one of the small cupboards on the bottom. From there, she extracts a large, ancient manuscript. She rejoins us, dropping the manuscript on the coffee table. It hits with a thud, a large cloud of dust hitting me in the face. I wave my hand in front of my mouth and nose, coughing. Small grey-purple whirlwinds dance off my hand and swallow the dust.
"Entry 50." My mom demands clearly and the book flys open, it's pages flipping insanely fast.
"How many entries are there?" I ask.
"Infinite amounts." My father replies. "It's a book of prophecies.
"Here we are." Mom shoves the book towards me. I gingerly touch the page, my finger dragging under the words as I read, or at least try to.
"This is in Latin." I say. "At least some of it is." I point to my name.
"Oh right, you haven't been taught the language of Olde yet."
My mom sighs and begin reciting what I assume is what is written on the page.
"There will be three. One of Light, one of Dark and one of both and neither. She of nought will keep balance between the others from ages wee. But for that of Dark, a bond of souls has become a mark. An impossible love formed from hate. Kept until the time is late."
I blink once. Twice. Thrice. Both and neither? She of nought? It has to be me. But that means... no. No!
"Nope." It comes out louder than I was expecting. My parents look at me warily.
"Aequal-" My dad starts.
"This cannot happen."
"Aequal, it's a prophecy, you can't change it."
"A prophe- wait what?" I had forgotten where what had been read to me was being recited from.
"It can't be. I can't be doomed to end up with Herobrine."

So I hope you enjoyed my awful prophecy, rhyme, thing (it was so bad, I'm cringing thinking about it.) So yeah. That's all.

-Awkward Jordan

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