Chapter 1: King of Mean.

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There are some kind of spoilers for Annie/TheSingleWriter's latest Vechlian fanfic in here cause I borrowed one of the ideas she told me about for my story. It's all cool with her cause I'm not stealing the whole story but thought you may want a warning

Third Person POV

The moment his skate-shoe covered foot steps into the hall, everyone presses themselves against their lockers and averts their eyes. His every footstep echoes on the linoleum floor and makes the others cringe. He reaches the end of the hall and meshes with a group of students who aren't shying away from him. Two taller girls with long black hair and black glasses presses their bodies on him. Their skimpy dark clothes are a stark contrast to his light blue shirt, blue jeans and green headphones. He adjusts his grey beanie and wraps his arms around the girls. Two guys who are male counterparts to the girls, minus the skimp-factor approach him.

"Anything new Hero?" One asks him.

Herobrine nods with a smirk.

"There's a new girl."

A boy dressed all in white with white hair and empty eye sockets comes up.

"Is she cute?" He pesters.

"No idea. She hadn't arrived yet."

"Is that her?" Another skimpily dressed girl asks, her gold clothes and hair shining brightly in the stark lighting, pointing.

Aequal's POV

I take a deep breathe and step into the hallway. Immediately, every head turns my way. I clutch my papers and textbooks to my chest and hurry over to my locker. I quickly dial in the code and open it up. I place my bag in first then my textbooks. I look through my papers and find my map and list of classes. It Monday so I have English first. I grab the corresponding textbook and notebook. I slip a pencil into the leather belt around my waist. It has a holder for my Unbreaking III pencil so I don't loose it. I close my locker and click the lock back into place, making sure it's secure. I turn and look at my map, which is balanced atop the other stuff I have. My class is out the doors at the far side out the hall and on the second door to the right. I look down the hall and see an ominous group on misfit kids huddled together. I grit my teeth and walk down the hall. I hear whispers of the other students.

"Is she crazy?!"

"She must be new."

"She's about to get schooled."

"Hey sweetness, want my number?"

I just keep walking.

I'm a foot from the door when a black skate shoe foot juts out I front of me. I stop. I slowly raise my eyes. A boy with a blue shirt, blue jeans and shaggy brown hair is standing in front of me with his arms crossed. I peek at his white, glowing eyes, but quickly look away.

"Excuse me." I say quietly.

"What are you doing in our part of the hallway?" His voice isn't super deep but it has depth. It's smooth, not rough.

"I didn't see a sign, sorry." I mumble.

"Huh, really. I should probably get on that, eh?"

"Yes you should. It would clear up lots of confusion. Anyhow, I need to get to class. If you'll let me pass, I'll remember not to go in "your part of the hallway" next time."

Unsurprisingly, the boy doesn't budge.

"How about I give you something to remind you to stay away?" He suggests maliciously.

"No thanks." I push past him.

That's when I feel a sharp slap on my butt. I stifle a yelp, no way was that asshole getting any verbal reaction for satisfaction.

"It's rude when you do that and generally putting off." I snap coldly and exit the hall.

I walk into English and talk to the teacher briefly. He introduces himself as Mr. Minor and says I can sit wherever I please. I thank him and choose a seat with a good view of the board in the second row. I carefully arrange my book and notebook. Then I sit silently thinking. I need to stay away from that group. They're the bad apples. Even as I think this I feel my powers telling me that I have a responsibility to step between that boy and others. He must be... no, not possible. Mother said he wasn't but Notch is. And Notch is never far from... Herobrine. A friend of my family's evil son. Know to me as a child as the King of Mean as addressed by both his brothers. I've never had the "pleasure" meet him until now. He really is an ass. This is going to suck. Being the middle between Good and Evil. After all, I am Equal, which is what my name means in Latin. This is going to be a tough year.

I want to thank Annie for letting me use Aequal's name and giving me the translation and letting me use the idea for this story's romance. Anyway, how you likely? Tell me plz.


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