Chapter 3: I Have to What?!

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Aequal's POV


I slam my locker closed and walk down the hall to get to English class. Screw Herobrine and 'his end if the hallway'. Of course everyone is sharing thoughts on my doing this again. This time Herobrine comes and blocks my way. I sigh inwardly.

"I thought I said to stay away."
"And I thought I told you I'm the only one besides Notch who is powerful enough to dismiss your bullshit."
"Your gunna gave to pay a price."
"How about no."
I don't get a response. I see him move to smack my butt again. I catch his arm and twist it. I didn't know Herobrine was so flexible. Ok well he isn't but I think it's obvious what I mean.
"I do not and will not tolerate that. Quit while your semi-ahead." I snap and release him.
He rubs his arm and I stalk out the doors.
I sit in the same place as yesterday. I tap my foot on the ground as the room fills. I end up once again sitting with Steve on one side of me and Herobrine on the other. Mr. Minor clears his throat.
"I'm rather dissatisfied by the results from yesterday's project. Only one group got full marks, that being Aequal and Herobrine. Now, today we are starting a project that will take up the next few months. You will be given fifteen minutes in class to work on it each day but it will mostly be done outside of school. You will each need to write a detailed essay on your partner. Topics that must be included are what occupation they are pursuing, hobbies, interests, life goals and a few topics of your choice. Today's class will be devoted on starting this project. I am not setting a page number for this essay, but I will know if you didn't include enough or if it's too short. This project can be done in ways other than the essay format, but you must speak to me first. I recommend inviting your partner to try some of your favorite activities as long as they are school appropriate. Also the groups have been pre-chosen."
Mr. Minor began rattling off the pairs and I wanted a pit to swallow me up when he announced I would have to work with Herobrine again. I peeked at him and saw him emotionlessly sitting in his chair.
"Alright, get into your groups and you may begin."
I swivel in my seat.
"Well?" I demand. "Are you just going to sit there?"
Herobrine groans and turns to face me.
"Is this your idea of funny? Making me deal with you everyday, all day."
"No! I would rather die than willingly spend a whole school year with you!"
"Your lucky I believe you."
I sigh.
"Let's just get to work."
I withdraw some paper.
"Soooo, what do you like to do?" I ask Herobrine a bored tone.
"Nothing 'school appropriate'." Is the answer I get.
I rub my temples.
"Okay, what about a future occupation your might be pursuing."
"I don't need one. I'm going to be a god."
I scribble 'going to be a god' on the paper.
"Life goals."
"Also not 'school appropriate'."
"Gah!" I exclaim. "Are any hobbies of yours school appropriate."
"No. Well, I do hang out with my 'buddies' Ender, Elder and Shane."
He scrunched his nose after saying that. It would be cute if it wasn't him.
"Ugh, that word is disgusting."
I scribble his hobby onto the paper.
"You have anymore hobbies I can write down?"
He leans in close and whispers in my ear.
"How about I only tell you if you experience my first hobby?"
"No way."
"I can make us fail the project."
"Exactly. I'll meet you at your locker after school. Anyone asks who you're waiting for you say your not. Got it? I have a reputation to keep up."
"I 'got it'."
"Good. Now how 'bout I be the questionnaire and ask the goody-two-shoes about herself."
I pass him the paper and he grabs a pencil.
"So Princess, what do you like to do?"
"Read, write, draw, swordplay." I list off.
He slowly writes down the things I said.
"I'm not bothering to ask about future occupation because I already know."
"I don't have any real hobbies."
"How exactly am I going to turn this into a three page essay?"
"That is your job not mine. Besides, I need more information on you before I can start my essay."
"And you will get it after school."
I tap my foot impatiently. Herobrine is sure taking his sweet time. I feel a dark chill go down my spine and I whirl around. There he is, leaning on the lockers.
"You ready to go Princess?" He demands.
I roll my golden eyes.
"Alright, come on then."
He grabs my arm and drags me off.
We walk for what feels like forever and eventually stop in front of a house. Steve's house. Which means it's also Herobrine's house. He unlocks the front door and drags me inside.
"What the what is going on?" I demand.
"Relax Princess, my parents are out and my bothers are busy and not in the house. My, uh, friends will be here soon."
The way he said friends made it sound like there were more like servants or minions than friends.
About five seconds after he said that, there was a knock on the door. Herobrine snaps and the door opens for three boys. One short with bone white skin and white hair, his eyes empty sockets. The other two are twins with shaggy black hair and elongated limbs. Their eyes glow purple.
"Ender, Elder. Shane." Herobrine acknowledges. "I hope you won't mind Aequal being here. We're ah, working on a project."
"No, of course not." The pale boy, Shane replied greedily.
The twins say nothing, but nod agreeably.
"Well this is just great." I grumble. "What are you going to do, make us play truth or dare."
"That is a very interesting suggestion Aequal. I think we should play truth or dare."
I stiffen. I didn't think that he could hear me and now I had to play truth or dare with Herobrine and his goons.
As I was thinking, Herobrine grabbed me and pulled over to the couch, where he yanked me into his lap. I growl but he pins me with his arm. The other boys take a seat on the other couch.
"I will start." Herobrine states. "Shane. Choose."
"I choose truth."
"How much do you want to get into Aequal's pants right now?"
Shane licks his lips.
"A lot."
"Alright now it's your turn."
"Herobrine. Choose."
"Dare." Herobrine sounds bored saying it.
"I dare you to kiss the girl."
Herobrine grabs me, turns me around and kisses me hard on the mouth. I slam my hands into his chest and he stops.
"Gross." I wipe my mouth on my arm as Herobrine returns me to my original position.
And so it went for a few minutes until one of the twins asks me.
"I choose dare." I mutter, not wanting to tell these weirdos anything about me.
Shane whispers into the twin's ear and the boy sighs.
"I dare you to suck Herobrine's dick." He grumbles.
"What?!" I splutter.
"The rules of the game state you have to." Shane pipes up.
I glare at Herobrine. He shrugs and starts unbuttoning his pants.
"No way." I growl at him.
"If you don't follow the rules and do it I'll make us fail the project."
My eyes widen but I sense he's telling the truth.

"You are a complete asshole."

"Dosen't change anything."

I can't think of anything to stall with and panic is rising in my chest. There is no way I'm being violated by this pervert. In no time, Herobine has undone his pants and pulled out his erection. Wait what? Erection? Why would he have a erection. There is no way that I'm doing that to him and I doubt that it's the boys. Then what could possibly-

I'm broken by my thoughts when Herobrine whispers in my ear; "Well, get on with it."

I growl and slide off the couch. Herobrine has spread his legs to make it easier for me to... yeah not thinking of what I'm about to do. I kneel between his legs and take a deep breath.

"Hurry up!" Shane demands.

Herobrine shoots him a nasty look before returning his expectant gaze to me. I swallow hard and move in. Just imagine it's a popsicle, I told myself and moved in.


Y'all wanted me to update. Here you go. Also, I AM STILL IN SCHOOL! I don't have a ton of extra time. So calm your tits. No I'm not abandoning this story. Yes it will take a while to update because I like longer chapters. There you are. I hope you're happy with the cliff hanger.

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