Chapter 11: Frick, Frack, Fucked

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A Few Months Later

Aequal POV

"Which type of chocolate do you like best?"

"Why the hell are you asking me about chocolate?"

"Just answer the question, dipshit."

"How many fucking types of chocolate are there?"

"Semi-sweet, dark, milk or white. Pick one. Now," I growl into the phone, which I have pinned between my shoulder and my ear, as I stir a bowl of cookie batter.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Dark is the obvious choice, but white is so much more... fun. I think... I'll go with... milk chocolate."

"Fucking finally," I snap, reaching out a tendril of shimmery purple-grey Magic to snatch the bag of milk chocolate chips off the counter, shaking in a good amount, and then beating them into the dough. "That didn't need to be so hard, Hero."

"Oh, yes, yes it did. Anyway, are you still coming over in an hour?"

"Yep," I reply, popping the 'p'. "I've just got to finish a few things first."

"Like what? Actually, never mind. It's probably some stupid girly shit like curling your hair."

"I don't curl my hair. It looks the way it does naturally."

"Interesting," Herobrine mutters, then heaves a big sigh, that crackles in my ear over the phone. "I just cannot believe how fucking long the teach is giving us for the bloody project."

"Mr. Minor wants us to really get to know one another. And he expects an in depth response, so you can't just write 'Aequal is good at sucking dick' and hand that in."

"I could," he says after a moment. "Imagine the looks on everyone's face when that's what I present to the class. Imagine the look on Steve's face. He's still in denial that we did anything. Oh it would be priceless."

"Hey, that's not funny. Steve was there for me when I needed a friend," I retort coldly.

"Oh, come on Aequal! I thought you forgave me for all that," he complains exasperatedly.

"I did not. I accepted the apology."


"I have to go."



✄ ✄ ✄

I stand on Herobrine's doorstep, debating whether or not I want to bother today. After all, I could just go home and build an igloo in our snow-covered backyard. But I have a project to work on.

So, shouldering my pride, I press the doorbell, listening to the muffled chiming ringing through their house. I wait a moment, tapping my foot, before the door opens, and a weirdly familiar boy with long black hair appears in the opening. My eyes widen when I realize who it is.


"Aequal! I didn't know you were coming over today. Come here," he smiles and opens his arms, just like when we were kids, and I throw myself into them. And, exactly like when we were kids, he spins me around, shutting to door with a gust of magic wind.

When he finally sets me down, I'm giggling like a school girl with a crush.

"Look at you. All grown up and muscular. Didn't even have to support my weight with magic."

"Psh, I never did such a thing. I've always been a strong, manly man," he protests jokingly.

"Mhmm. Okay shrimp," I reply with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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