Chapter 2: Can it Get Any Worse

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Aequal's POV

I tap my fingers on the desk, waiting for class to start. The room was filling, only three empty seats remain. A younger boy dressed in a blue T-shirt and blue jeans with messy brown hair sprints into the room and flops into the seat next to me. The bell rings and the class becomes quiet, other than the occasional whisper and the boy's panting.

"Stupid Herobrine." He mutters.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah." He replies.

Then I notice how familiar he is and realize who he is.

"Oh my goodness Steve, you've gotten so big!" I exclaim.

He gives me a weird look before a wave of realization washes over him.

"Aequal. You look good."

I blush


"So how-"

Herobrine bursts through the door. I sigh.

He saunters over to the other seat next to me.

"Late again Herobrine? Detention tomorrow." Mr. Minor says before starting the class.

"Today we are starting a partner project. You need to write a story together. One partner will write a paragraph. Then the second will write a paragraph. Then the first again. Then the second and so on."

"Before you ask, you may not choose your partner. I have already chosen them."

A loud chorus of groans echoes through the room.

"Quiet down." Mr. Minor orders. "I will list off the groups now."

He prattles on and my attention drifts in and out until I hear my name.

"Aequal and Herobrine..."

I sigh and burry my head in my arms. Steve pats my back supportively.

"Any questions?" Mr. Minor asks.

I lift my head.

"Yes Herobrine." Mr. Minor sighs.

"Why do I have to work with the new girl?" He growls.

"Because you need to be paired with someone who has a substantial record for handing in good, completed assignments." Was the reply.
"Alright let's get started."
Steve looks at me apologetically and goes over to his partner. I slowly turn my head to look at the asshole. He's leaning back in his chair, feet propped on his desk, lounging. I groan inwardly. Whyyyyy?

"Are you just going to sit there or are we going to work?"

"You can do the work, Ms. Priss."

"No I can't. We most both contribute equally, god damn it." I snap.

"I know who you are now. I won't apologize for earlier and I won't promise no to do it again but I'll 'try' and behave."

"Don't think I didn't hear those quotes around 'try'."


I get up and grab his chin and turn his face to me.

"Listen up you lazy ass, you will work with me on this project and it will be good, understand me. I don't care who the hell you are, you are going to do just as much work as I am or you will not be happy with the consequences."

I suddenly am aware of the silence in the room. I turn and see everyone looking at us. I let go of Herobrine and let my arm hang limp. I glance at the other kids. There is admiration in their eyes.

"Herobrine I would suggest you listen to the young lady." Mr. Minor says, not looking up from his papers.

Everything returns to normal. I look back at the 'King'.


"Fine!" He snarls.

I turn to grab a piece if paper and feel a gentler slap on my butt again. I whirl around, paper in hand.

"Stop doing that! You're going to leave a hand print on my butt!"

Herobrine chuckles.

"Like I care."

"I will get even with you for this." I threaten, fully meaning it.

"Still don't care little Aequal."

I grab one of his arms and in a flash he's pressed to the desk, me on the brink of breaking his arm. I grab him by the fringe of his hair and yank his face up so he's looking at me.

"Cross me again and it'll be the sword you're going to play with next."

I drop him and let go.

"Stop forgetting I'm just as powerful as you. It'll save you a lot if pain."

He lifts his head and rolls his shoulders. I slam the paper in the desk.

"Work now. You write the first paragraph."

He picks up a pencil and starts writing. When he's satisfied with his work, he passes it to me. I read over it. It's a war scene. A character like him dominating a character like me. My character is dying. I roll my eyes. I start writing my paragraph and my character rises from the brink if death and smites Herobrine's character. My paragraph goes by quickly. I hand the paper back to him. He quickly scribbles down another paragraph. I snatch the paper back, eager to continue. I quickly scan over the new addition. It's not bad. He now has minions helping him. They all go up in flames as I put in my part. We continue like this until Mr. Minor calls for us to stop, hands in the air. We have three pages, the front and backs of all three covered in our story and about half of a fourth page.

"Please bring up what you have completed so far for me to read over. When you have done so, you may sit and quietly socialize. You will get your mark by the end of the class."

I gather up our sheets and wait patiently to had them to Mr. Minor. He looks surprised at the number of pages I have in my hands. I carefully place them in front of him. Then I silently go back to my seat.

"So how bad was it?" Steve asks when I've settled in.

"Actually, when we got started, it wasn't bad at all. We didn't really talk to each other after we started writing. It was just write, pass, receive, repeat." I reply.

"Huh, I expected him to be more trouble."

"Please, he's easy to manage."

Steve looks at me incredulously.

"Do you want to switch lives for a week?"

"You hate him that much?"


"Ok then."

Steve and I talk until Herobrine and my names are called. We walk over to Mr. Minor's desk.

"First off, this was the longest story by far. Second, this is the best work you have ever done in my class Herobrine. You both get full marks on this project. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you sir." I say.

I turn and walk to my desk and gather my books. The bell is about to ring. I stand and wait. The loud generic buzzing fills the room. I quickly exit the class.


Apparently Mr. Minor had told the other teachers how well Herobrine had done when partnered with me so I ended up having to spend most of the day with him. Something my poor butt won't be able to take another day of. Right now, I just wonder how this could get any worse.

Yay, second chapter. Review pls?


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