2. Giving the cub scouts guns: Newton

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At the time of writing, London is named the third most beautiful city in the world by the Guinness world records. When deciding on this, whoever did so must have looked at certain landmarks. Perhaps the golden architecture of Big Ben; the refined elegance of Buckingham palace; the clash of archaic and modern at Kew Gardens and the twisting monsters of glass and steel that make up central London.
They almost certainly weren't looking at the hidden basement of the Harvey youth centre in Kalshem.

But that's where I am now: nearly a week after the spider incident, attempting to assemble an Ikea cabinet with Omega.
"I can't believe this," I say to him as I rip open a new packet of screws.
"What part? The whole hero-team thing? The fact we're being trained by a mysterious and enigmatic teacher? Or is it that we need to assemble their furniture?"
"All of it! This all just feels like a bad movie! Did you notice that big ol' convention centre, by the Candyman factory?"
"What about it?"
"I bet you 5p that we have to fight a strange and shadowy villain there at some point."
It's not an impossible bet. I noticed it on the bus; a large glass hexagon, doomed to be the holder of farming conventions and pre-screenings of kids cartoons.
"Deal." Omega smiles, holding a power tool. "Besides: shouldn't you be more concerned about the factory itself? That place certainly looks the part."

"Hey guys? Newton?" Says a new voice. I'm going to assume- by lack of others in the room- that it's that invisible guy, Charley. "Could you get off the ceiling? I want to show you something."

It feels weird, people calling me Newton. It's my middle name. I just felt like 'Rose' doesn't really cut it- it's not really the most descriptive name for what I do. Plus, if someone from school recognised me... I'm not really sure what the policy for vigilantism is at Hearters is, but I doubt it's a 'valuable use of free time'. Anyway, I do a turn in midair and shift gravity before landing upright on the centre of the floor.
"Show off!" Omega calls from my gravity bubble. I stick my tongue out at him, grinning. It's weird we've only really known each other for a sum total of thirty minutes. Several near death experiences do that to you, I guess.
"So!" I say, looking around fruitlessly for the invisible man. "What mysterious item do you have for me? If it's another cabinet, I'll be very disappointed."
"I'm around here. And it's something much more interesting."
I turn to face the direction of the floating glasses. Charley appears to be holding a skinned ghost- or something much like it.
He holds it out to me. It's a catsuit.
"Is this your size? In hindsight, I probably should have asked you beforehand. Anyway, do you like it?"
"Uh... yes?"
I probably sound like a spoiled brat right now. True rich-kid stereotype. But the thing is: I just don't like very tight clothing.

I know, I know. I'm a gymnast! This is potentially what I'll do for a living! But I just don't like this sort of stuff. Never have. I run my fingers over the white pearly fabric, imagining how awkward I'd look in it. Admittedly, it's less awkward than a leotard- not that that means much, I'll still feel overly exposed in it.
I feel something strange, on the side of the suit.
"Huh? What's this?"
"Glad you asked!" And he does sound glad; I reckon he's enjoying his stint as agent Q. "It's- well. I don't know exactly what to call it, but when I saw you with the charging cord last week..."
I pull the thing out of a pocket and inspect. It's a length of grey, metal wire, with what seems to be a ball bearing on the end. Hopefully, it's not meant to be a fashion accessory.
Charley continues.
"It's sort of like the cable but- well, it's less likely to break. Hopefully."
"Cool!" I grin, genuinely. "Always wanted a potentially deadly weapon that I can take through security."
"Could I get one of those things?" Omega calls from the ceiling.

But before I can reply, an unrecognised woman wearing gloves runs in. Luda, I bet.
"Emergency! Calm War room! Now!"

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