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Eva's POV:
"I WIN JIM!" I yelled and start smiling. "Why are you so good?" he said and I gave him high five. "Idk, I'm just god" I smirk. I stood up from chair and went to bar. "You win again?" girl asked me. "Jup Jersey" I said and hug her.

Jersey is my old friend. I met her 120 years ago. So yea.. we're good friends. She helped me with my emotions after Anata's dead.

"Want go for walk?" Jersey asked me and I nodded. It was night. We walked and just talked. Infront us I saw girl who looked kind like Anata and I turned to her. "No" Jersey said. "Why?" I asked her. "Your vampire" she answered. "I want be loved again" I whimpered. "Don't be pussy.. Turn your emotions off" she said. "No.. I don't want" I said.

Jersey want me to turn my emotions off everytime, but I won't. I like have emotions.

"Fine go for her" she said and rolled her eyes. I smiled and ran to her. "Hey" I said to her and gave her smile. "Um.. Hey, we know each other?" she asked. "No.. But we can know each other better" I said and she shaked my hand. "I'm Eva" I said. "I'm Malia" she said with smile. We talked for while.

In seconds something took Malia by neck and pinned her to grass. "GET OF HER!" I screamed and ran to her. I wanted push it
away, but with one hand it took me by neck and pinned me to wall and started choke me. After I was out of breathe it let me fall on grass next to Malia. "M-Mal.. lia" I tried to said something, but I can't. Malia looked at me with tears in eyes. It bite her to neck and she screamed in pain. "NOO!" I yelled. The scream stop. That monster threw away her dead body and pinned me again to wall. "Jersey.. help me" I said out of breathe. "TURN YOUR EMOTIONS OFF" It said in deep voice. "N-No.." I said tried to push it away. "TURN IT OFF!!" it scream at me.

I stopped moving and just looked at it. I felt my emotions go away from me. "You are fixed" it said and let me fall down on grass. I just sat here in shock. It ran away and in few seconds later Jersey came to me from woods with blood on mouth. "What you have on mouth?" I asked her and stood up. "I-... I was.. I was hungry" she said and scratched her neck. "What happened to you?" she continued. "I'm fixed" I sad and gave her devil smile. "And also I'm hungry" I said and looked at her. "I'm not in your way, go for it" she said and I licked my lips. I went in street and forgot about Jersey. I was hungry asf.

Jersey's POV:
Everything goes according to plan..

Eva's POV:
I saw random man on street. He was alone. Ohh poor boy this is your last night. I took him my shoulder and let him turn to me. "WHAT THE HE-" he saw my red eyes and fangs. "SON OF BITCH!" he wanted run but, I don't let him. I grabbed his cheek and pulled my lips to his neck and start sucking his blood.

When I felt he's completely without blood I let his body fall down and clean my lips from blood.

"Hey what's going on?" someone said and I turned around.

Hmm.. what about little game.

"Oh my god, finally someone. My.. My husband fell down and I don't know what happened to him" I ran to man and took him by wrist. "Okay.. so what's happened?" he asked me. He sat down to him and in shock looked at me. I just stood here with devil smile. "You want see what happened to him?" I asked, he stood up. My eyes turned red again. "De-ear g-god.. He-elp m-me" he said and can't move. "God don't help you in this hell" I said and pinned him to wall. "Please.. Please let me go I have family" he beg me. "Where your family live?" I asked. He pointed at big white house.

Big house.. Many people.. Many blood..

"Okay, I'll don't suck your blood" I said and let him go. He started run.

I ran to him and broke his neck, he fell down on grass. "But, I don't said I'll don't kill you" I said and smirk.

I came to house and knock. Beautiful women opened door. "Hey.. Who are you?" she asked me. "Umm.. your husband is drunk and he fell on grass right here" I pointed and him. "Oh god" she rolled her eyes and went from house.

That was mistake ma'am..

I immediatly pulled my lips to her neck and she scream in pain. In few minutes I let her fall down and went to house. "Owner of house is gone, this is easier then ask someone if I can go in" I said and smile.

I went in house. "Hello, is somebody home?" I asked and look in rooms.

Bathroom? Nobody. Living room? nobody. Kitchen? Nobody. Kids room? Nobody.

"Ugh.. I killed her for no reason, nvm" I said and left house. When I went I saw full moon. "Hmm full moon.. Interesting.." I smirk whil I watched moon. "Creatures of night show up again"

I went to bar. It was 12pm and there was maybe 10 people, but in first time I saw dirty blonde hair girl.

I felt from her some type of supernatural, idk what type, but I felt it.

I sat next to her and smile at her. "Hey I'm Eva.. Eva Cudmore" I said and she shaked my hand.

"Hi I'm.. Emma Brooks Mcallister" she said. "So, what you doing here?" I asked. "Well, just drinking, you?" she asked back. "Just killed 3 people and now I'm thirsty" I smirk. We're for few seconds quiet and after we started laughing.

I took rum and started drink it. We talked for while to know each other. "Your funny" I said and smile.

"HEY! JAKE, HARRY AND HIS WIFE! I found then dead. WITHOUT BLOOD!" someone ran in bar and yelled at us. Everyone was in shock and ran from bar to look at dead bodies. Emma looked at me scary. She took my by shirt and pull me out from bar. She pinned me to wall.

"Who the hell are you? Or what are you?" she said. "Oh.. Well you know" I giggle.

"I'm vampire.. The question is.. Who are.. you?" I continued. She let me fall.


"I'm hybrid" she said. "Ohh.. That's insine! Show me" I said. Emma rolled her eyes. Her eyes went yellow after while her black veins show up and her fangs too. I smiled. "I see you don't have humanity" she said and her face went normal.

"Yep, thank you" I said and hug her. "What? Why do you thank me?" she asked confused. "Well, cause it was you who kill Malia and scream on me to turn it off"
she looked at me more confused.

"It.. It wasn't me" she said.

"What? I thought it was you, cause it was big black monster with big fangs yk" I said, but she shook head. "Maybe Jersey will help" I said. "Who's Jersey?" Emma asked and crossed her arms. "My friend.. She's vampire too" I said and look at Emma.

"Then who is it?" Emma asked.

"Idk but.. something wierd in neighborhood" I said.

"Yea.." Emma looked at me.

"AAAAA" we heard and ran in next street we heard it.

What the fuck is that?!


I'm monster I just cut this

For first time I wanted made Emma werewolf, but vampire is immortal and I don't want let Emma die🤷‍♀️

What u think about unknown monster? Who it can be?



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