6: Recording 5

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Yvonne, today, I'm going to force you to close your eyes.

Lay on the bed, and listen to my voice. Let it guide you, let it speak to your soul.

These next recordings need you to be on your bed, all alone, and with your eyes closed. Preferably naked, just kidding.

Now, I want you to remember. Remember the first time. The first time you and I... I bet your already remembering it.

Remember how delicate my hands touched your skin. How soft I tugged your hair, my lips on yours, my body pressed unto yours.

I want you to remember it all.

I want you to remember the emotion. I want you to remember how passionate we were our first time, whether you pushed me off the bed or not, I want you to remember the passion. Remember the feeling.

Because I guarantee you, I have so much more to show you.

Do you remember that passion? I don't think I've ever been with someone who showed me their delicate side, let me explore them more than they can explore me, let them see the corners of my soul.

And I saw the corners of your soul.

You taste so good, Yvonne. But rather than seeing your naked body pressed onto mine, I'd rather see your soul most of the time.

And if you haven't guessed it already, that can be done by removing clothes out of the equation. Get it? I'm the punchline goddess, I know.

Let me stop before you think all I want is to get into your bed again. I mean, I do, but let's just chill, right? Now, if this is being played while I'm with you, I want you to open your eyes, and look at me.

I paused the recording and stared at Cecelia, who had slipped one hand up my chest. Her eyes were full of lust, but most importantly, love.

"Continue playing, but I want you to look at me while you're doing it." She whispered.

I pressed play again, my eyes still focused on her as I snuggled closer to her.

How did I ever become so fucking lucky to find you? To be with you? How?

Yvonne, my chinchilla, my fucking melanin goddess, my baby. I love you. I can't tell you how much I love you. I can't even tell you how much I want to be able to make love to you. I can't even express what I feel about you because it's better said in bed. I...I...

The recording ended there, and I removed my headphones, quickly pressing my lips on Cece. She smiled against my lips and I quickly maneuvered to get on top of her. She held my waist, and slid down, chuckling as I tied my braids.

"At least this time no one is falling off the bed hey?" She smiled, slapping my ass and grabbing it, making me yelp.

"Smooth way of getting into my pants by the way." I place my hands on her shoulders, "Smooth."

"Well, I have more ways of getting into your pants." She smirked.


I shiver as she literally places a hand in my sweatpants, and into my panties, rubbing my dear girl.

"This." She chuckles, and I lay on her, making out with her.

If the recordings continue on like this, then fuck;

Keep them coming.

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