16: Recording 15

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Remember the first time we sang together?

I do recall we were in Hawaii, where everything took place. The wind was blowing gently, and we held each other dearly. I remember closing my eyes and letting the time pass slowly.

It was a magical moment, that was one of the times I felt that you would be mine soon. The time we almost kissed, the time we almost...almost.

I wish I would've made it clearer with my intentions. I wish I could go back and do it all over again, do it with no pressure.

You got the clue, Yvonne? I hope you did.

As the recording ended, I finally found the picture I was looking for on the laptop. Pulling the headphones down, I stared at the laptop.

It was Cece and I before we got onto the plane in Hawaii, and I looked at it carefully for clues.

Sighing, I closed the laptop and got my phone, dialing someone I haven't talked to since we graduated.


"Brandon, hi..." I drawled off, "Um, you have all the pictures from the trip in Hawaii?"

"Nice talking to you, Yvonne." He quickly said, "Oh and by the way, Leon has them."

He hung up real quick, and I took the chance to call Leon. Before I even said anything, he began to talk.

"Meet me at Rocco's tomorrow. I have what you're looking for." He hung up on me, and I stared at my phone in disbelief.

"Rocco's it is." I whispered to myself, laying down as I stared at the ceiling.

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