Chapter 1

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The desk made a scratching noise as it slightly moved across the hard floor. The blonde teacher had sat down abruptly, disrupting the stacks of papers that, just a second ago, rested on the desk but now were scattered all over the room. Another full day of huntsmen and huntresses not taking their lessons seriously, and a single Cardin Winchester had brought bullying to an all time high in one week. Dark circles revealed themselves under her emerald eyes as she put off doing the paperwork for one more evening. The papers that had been scattered began to restack themselves in an orderly fashion. She tried to relax herself while sitting at her desk, ultimately failing and locking up the office for the evening. It was time to retire to her room, where sleep would hopefully overtake her.


[Y/N] sighed with content as he finished packing his work bag. It was nearing the end of another long shift at work. Though there wasn't much that he could complain about, he enjoyed his work and would often get lost in his daily activities. The time he spent doing it would soon become unnoticeable as he would often forget what time it was; the sunset always pulling him out of his haze. He stood next to his bag, looking out upon the setting sun through his office window. The sky was full of such beautiful colors, his eyes would never grow tired of taking them in. He was pulled away at the sound of the door to his office opening and closing softly. The light of the setting sun gently reflected off of the characters' glasses, [Y/N]'s head staring at their chest and soon trailing up to look them in the eyes. [Y/N] was able to tell it was a man at first glance, seeing the unzipped black suit and green vest and shirt. When their eyes met, [Y/N] was too stunned to say anything. 'Ozpin...' he thought to himself.

"It has been quite some time, I'm glad to see you haven't changed much." a soft smile graced Ozpin's lips as he looked down at the faunus, an old friend. [Y/N] slightly grit his teeth, the short joke sinking in.

"It isn't my fault that I wasn't graced with inhuman height." The words came out like a hiss, his eyes slightly narrowed as if he was ready for a verbal attack. Though, he was disarmed as the man chuckled at his response.

"I've already talked with your superior... you will be coming with me for your next assignment." Ozpin spoke with calm confidence, as though he already knew the outcome. [Y/N] looked up at him with confusion, "I will explain more on the way. I assume you'll need to go pick up things from your home?"

With a slow nod, Ozpin held the door open for [Y/N] so that they could depart. [Y/N] picked his work bag up from the floor and slung it over his shoulder. A few nurses had grouped up outside of the office, all there to say goodbye. It had begun to dawn on [Y/N] that he was the last person to become aware that he would be leaving the hospital. 'I don't understand what's going on!' His mind screamed out as he smiled and said goodbye to the nurses that had gathered there. Ozpin let him take his time, as they were out of the hospital not long after and on their way. It soon dawned on [Y/N] that he had taken the lead of where they were going, and they had arrived outside of the apartment complex that he called "home" in only a matter of minutes. A man who rivaled Ozpin in height, and wore an Atlesian Military uniform, was seemingly waiting for the two of them. As soon as they approached just out of an arm's length, the man turned to them with a stoic face about him. Ozpin continued to hold his small smile as he took a step in front of [Y/N], holding a hand out for a hand shake.

"I assume we're right on time, James?" Ozpin's voice addresses the Military General, who happily returns the handshake. A small smile appeared on his face as well.

"You're lucky there wasn't much to begin with." Ironwood gestures to a medium sized box, full of a few outfits and trinkets. A framed photo resting atop the pile. "I was expecting more from what you had told me..."

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