Chapter 3

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'Time to shine' [Y/N] thought to himself as he took a silent breath, steeling himself. When was the last time he had taught someone else how to be a combat medic? Far too long. He knew what he wanted to talk about first, with his introduction out of the way he would first dive into the history of 'Combat Medics'. People who would rush into battle with nothing but bandages and their semblances. The thought of his family burned through [Y/N]'s mind as he continued to piece together his lesson. He wasted no time beginning, the two teams almost surprised about how serious he was about the topic. His eyes began to glaze over once more, his voice continued to teach but he could no longer hear himself think. Before him looked like a grand battlefield, men and women in heavy and light armor fighting against one another. The colors were blurred, [Y/N] couldn't understand who anyone was fighting for. Though he understood where he was, he was in the distant memory of one of his family members. He stood behind a man who held onto a brutal mace with both of his hands. In reality, he was describing the brutality of the battlefield and how destroyed the land was. But his eyes continued to watch his family member. They were being protected, the man with the mace was fighting off anyone who got close as [Y/N]'s ancestor patched up the soldiers in need of help. [Y/N] didn't speak about his relation to the scene, he described it as if he was reading it from a history book. The combat medic would bandage the wounded soldiers, sometimes stitching them back up. Priests would come and use magic to heal the soldiers, sometimes keeping a constant effect of healing upon them to make that soldier feel invincible. Some priests would at times become combat medics, fighting on the front lines with the soldiers while keeping those around them fully healed until they simply became exhausted, or killed. The haze lifted from [Y/N]'s eyes as he finished painting the mental scene, the two teams looking at him with bewilderment. Some had tried to take notes, others were simply enjoying the story that he had told. But he had returned just in time for a girl from team RWBY to raise her hand. She wore a white combat skirt and had pure white hair. Ah yes, the Schnee.

"Yes? What can I do for you, Ms. Schnee?" He straightened his body, not having realized that he had begun to slouch from falling into the memory. The girl looked like she was almost surprised that he knew who she was, but [Y/N] soon watched it be absorbed into an ever present ego.

"How do you know all of this stuff so well? Aren't you just a doctor from some random hospital?" She almost narrowed her eyes at him, but curiosity got the better of her. [Y/N] couldn't help but smile slightly. A quiet alarm slowly filling up the room, [Y/N] quickly fishing his scroll from his pocket and turning the alarm off.

"Well, I did come to Beacon before I decided to become a doctor. I studied the history of my art for many years, and sometimes you hear a good war story when working at a hospital." [Y/N] gives a quick bow to his audience as he finished answering the question. "I'd like to personally thank all of you for showing up, I understand that this is just something extra and it fills me with joy that you all came. I hope to see you all here again tomorrow." He let a smile rest on his face, Ruby giving a cheer from where she sat as the rest of team RWBY began to pack their things. He looked at the other team, some of their faces reminding him of people he had met when he was younger. They also began packing up, a side conversation beginning between their team. One of them seemed very excited about the story he told, while another seemed overly excited about being able to leave. A small poke at his shoulder brings his attention back to his side. There he saw Yang.

"Hey old man! I just wanted to thank you again for last night." She gave a wide grin, her hands resting at her sides. "You must be wondering who the other team is, right? Their team name is JNPR. Jaune is their leader, accompanied by Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren." 'Pyrrha? It's certainly been a couple years...' [Y/N] nods his head as he looks from Yang to the rest of the students leaving.

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