Chapter 2

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Glynda woke up with a jolt, her body flying into a sitting position as she slowly rested her left hand over half of her face, the other hand tightly clutching the sheets. 'It was that... nightmare again.' The stress in her body slowly began to dissipate, her grip on the sheets loosening. Sighing, her hand that was holding her head falling to the sheets of the bed as she looked up towards her ceiling. 'That new member of our medical staff took the room above me right? Perhaps I'll go talk to him before I go see Ozpin, just to greet him to the school.' With that, she began getting ready for the day.

[Y/N] had gotten up early, whether out of habit or stress he couldn't tell. The feeling of a bad dream was pricking his mind as he got up to begin his day. He wasn't sure how early it was, but the sunrise was coming over the edge of the windowsill, and there wasn't a chance of going back to sleep anytime soon. Noticing that he was still dressed in the previous days' clothing, he quickly undressed and threw them all into a basket that was conveniently waiting for him in the bathroom. Stepping into the shower and turning it on to pour out hot water. His tail slowly swayed back and forth as he cleaned, waking up and feeling better about everything. The last thing to clean was his tail, as he finished up and went about drying himself. It was still early, but by the time he was done cleaning up and donning a new uniform, he was ready to head out. The door locked with a soft click as he left the dorms. He put a hand to his chest to steady his breathing, and to make sure that his tail was situated beneath the uniform. He made his way towards Ozpin's tower, not seeing many people out and about for how early it was. Some students were training by themselves in a field nearby, while another student was meditating on the grass in front of one of the entrances to the academy building. It didn't take long for [Y/N] to make it to the lift that would take him to Ozpin's office. Something stopped him though, was it fear? No... he wasn't afraid to go talk with Ozpin, he was losing hope that his past had finally caught up to him. 'I can't hide forever, can I?' With a soft sigh, the cleric made his way up the tower. The doors opened as Ozpin turned in his chair to greet him.

"Ah! Good morning, old friend, I noticed you leaving the building but you took your time getting here." He started with a soft tease, but in the end a soft smile rested on his face. "Welcome back home, [Y/N]." Ozpin nods his head towards one of the seats that rested in front of his desk, [Y/N] taking this as his que to sit down. "How did you sleep? I know that you're not much for chit chat but We still have plenty of time until you're actually needed anywhere."

"I slept as well as my body would let me, waking up, I had the feeling that it was another nightmare inducing sleep." [Y/N] calmly runs a hand through his hair, retelling the events of this morning and the previous evening. Ozpin seemed to lose his smile hearing about the start of [Y/N]'s day but he smirked when hearing about Ruby and Yang.

Ozpin chuckled, resting his clasped hands on the desk between them. "Yes, team RWBY is quite an eccentric team. I'm sure that you will have much to teach them, as well as all of the other students that study here." [Y/N] couldn't decide if Ozpin was just generalizing about his future at Beacon or if the man was hinting at something else. Before he could get a word in, Ozpin surprised him with something else. "Did you find a moment to at least talk with Ms. Glynda?"

His words hung between them, an extremely sour taste resonating within [Y/N]. A soft shake of his head gave him a sigh in response from Ozpin. "No... I suppose that wasn't the first thing on my mind." [Y/N] gave almost a mumble as he spoke. Ozpin giving him a look... of distress? Perhaps it was one of understanding? [Y/N] was almost afraid of the response he was about to get.

"You must have been exhausted from seeing Leo again, he tracked me down so that he and I could talk before I turned in for the night. Speaking of his concerns for you returning here. It seems like it's the last thing he wanted you to do." Ozpin was getting back down to business, the earlier small talk merely a memory to the two as Leo's name had been spoken. "I understand that you being back here may cause some... social issues, but I can almost assure you that you aren't in danger at this academy. With myself, and now Leo, Beacon is possibly the safest place in Remnant for anyone to take refuge in."

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