Chapter 1.5

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Glynda softly sets her glasses on a counter as she gets ready for bed. She felt bad about how she handled the situation with Ruby and Yang, but she really needed to get some sleep tonight. 'I'll make it right with them tomorrow...' Her eyes grow heavy as she lies down and begins to pass out. Light footsteps creak on the floor above her, assuming that one of the faculty had gotten back late. She turns onto her side and gives off a soft sigh, trying to force a dream of when she was young. She missed all of her friends that she had made, even if there weren't that many. Her lips curl into a smile as sleep overtakes her.

The witch finds herself in a dreamscape, a young boy in a fancy white coat standing at her side just staring forward. His name escaped her, and for a second she didn't even recognize him. Memories of her old team flood into her head, her eyes widen as she fully turns to look at him. Her body recoiled in surprise. "It's you!" A small white fox tail unfurls itself from within the boy's coat; he turns to look up to her with a smile on his face. "For a second I thought you had forgotten about me!" Her eyes saddened momentarily, ever since he had left Beacon she had no contact with him. His original scroll had broken, and he never tried to reach out to anyone either. "I'm sorry, I've been busy recently." He always came to visit her when she wanted to dream. She feels a little bit of her stress chip away just standing next to him.

"What are you going to dream of tonight?" The adolescent faunus began to smile brightly, Glynda beginning to walk forward through her dreamscape. "I think tonight we will create a castle together." She giggles softly as the boy throws his arms up in the air. "A wonderful idea!" Her heart pains seeing him like this, knowing this wasn't what he was like a lot of the time. But those moments when he expressed these kinds of emotions she always tried to forever capture them in her mind. Grass begins to sprout up at their feet and makes a plain, going even further and out to the distant horizons. The faunus begins to play in the grass, Glynda walking behind him as a castle begins to construct itself from the ground up. A shade being cast over herself and the boy, and invisible sun keeping the dream lit up.

"Can we go inside?" The faunus had gotten up and stood by her side once more, grabbing her hand and pulling her forward. The witch blushes slightly as she lets him pull her, the entrance to the castle opening itself up to the both of them. The building itself was full of people she knew, in the present and from the past. Some were happy memories, and others brought more of a sour memory. But nonetheless, they were all welcome in her dream. She follows the young adolescent as he explores the castle she built before him. Some rooms were completely empty while others contained the comfiest of beds. They took a visit to the kitchen, the smells filling their senses with a heavenly scent. A smile rested upon the witch's face, relaxing for what felt like the first time in forever.

Her peace didn't last, as the dream itself began to crack and crumble around her. She tried to reach out to the faunus boy before being plunged back into solitude. Glynda grits her teeth and slams her fist onto the void ground that she found herself kneeling on. "Why!" She screamed out into the void, tears welling at the sides of her eyes. "I just wanted one peaceful night..." She begins to feel like she's falling once more, this time much faster. She closes her eyes and grits her teeth as the void consumes her.

Glynda finds herself back in a dark cave, her hand up to the side of her mouth as if she had been calling out to someone. The witch begins to remember where she is, her eyes widening as she sprints forward into the darkness. "[Y/N]!" Her voice found its way back as her legs began carrying her further down into the cave. The witch knew where she was and where she was going, even if she knew it was just a dream it all felt real. Her legs began to tire as the cave began to open up into a larger cavern, dissolving bodies of Grimm lying all around. She turns her head to the right to see Remur holding his chest, coughing softly with his sword nowhere in sight. "Damn, I really did underestimate him all these years." He coughs again, this time more violently. Glynda rushes over to him, pulling out a roll of bandages as she attempts to help him. He pulls a hand up to stop her, his eyes sullen as he shakes his head. "Those won't do anything, I'm done man." Glynda puts her hand on his shoulder, a determination in her eyes. She had said it thousands of times before, she knew exactly what she was going to say. "I'm not going to let you die here Remur. Now patch yourself up so I can stop them."

The tank looked at her bewildered as she left him and traveled deeper. The sounds of shotguns and yelling echoing from the cave told her that she was getting close. The sight that awaited her always tore at her heart, the sight of her own teammates fighting one another. Even if they were surrounded by Grimm of many sizes, they continued to fight one another while passively working together to kill the Grimm. The witch grits her teeth and reaches for her riding crop, her knuckles whitening around it's handle. "Enough you two!" She aims her riding crop at the whole of the cavern, her semblance forcing all of the Grimm to their knees and holding [Y/N] and Ying in place. [Y/N] growled, his eyes glossed over and his tail puffed out behind him. Ying glared at him coolly, drifting her eyes towards Glynda as she tried to move. "Let go. Now." She spoke slowly, trying to suppress the agitation. "If I let either of you go, you're just going to try and kill each other again!"

Glynda hated the feeling of watching her own memories, even if they were depicted as nightmares. Her dreams always stopped there, as if time froze and was forcing her to witness that scene over and over again. But this time it was a bit different, she notices someone walking towards her from the shadows in the back of the cavern. Nice looking shoes and the cuff of neat brown pants. "Ah, you're here again. Having nightmares again?" The voice seemed to be speaking directly to her, it brought fear with it. "Well, that's not my problem. I just wanted to let you know..." The figure seems to disappear from her view, silence seeping from her dream until it comes back. This time behind her ear. "It's time to wake up."

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