Chapter 2.5

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"Hey look! It's the weaponless loser!" A hunter with a brutish figure pointed and laughed at the young boy as he walked down a hall. [Y/N] kept his composure as he walked beside his friend, a slightly taller hunter who carried two curved swords and a quiver full of strange arrows. Ryan, that was his name. The two were making their way to the next lecture when Ryan quickly pushes the cleric to the side, kicking himself in the opposite direction as a giant axe flies in between where they had just been. The brutish hunter stepped forward, now looking down at the two. "That's it? No reply? Tch." He pulls his arm back as he aims for the kneeling hunter. Ryan quickly jumps up and grabs hold of the arm, pulling it back to prevent the bully from punching. "Now [Y/N]!" The young hunter jumps up, planting his foot into the bully's face and sending him back. Ryan quickly moves out from behind the bully and joins [Y/N]'s side once again.

"No tactics at all, what a shame." Ryan stares down at the dazed brute and the two hunters continue walking away. [Y/N] gives a silent thank you to his friend as they arrive at their next lecture. It was only their first week at Beacon and rumors of [Y/N] not having a weapon had already spread. Many were confused as to how he even got into the academy in the first place. Luckily Ryan had also been accepted, so now neither of them would have to feel so alone. Many other hunters began filtering into the room, only a few empty seats by the time class had started. Their professor begins his speech, the two paying attention yet still finding themselves terribly bored. "And I think you've all been a little too quiet today, let's do some sparring!"

Now the class was getting rowdy. There were a lot of "famous" hunters starting at Beacon this year. One of them being a bully named Remur Ironpelt, his family being famous for hunters that are able to take a lot of hits before they finally concede; and most of the time they never concede. As if fate were to have it, the tank himself stood up, dramatically pointing to the teacher. "Allow me to start it off then teach!" The professor sighed but lifted his right hand as if to give Remur the "go-ahead". The bully took this as his queue and immediately turned around to point straight at [Y/N]. "I heard you kicked one of my boys down, gotta show you your place!" Ryan lifts his arm as if to block the young faunus, who responds with a sigh and lightly pushes the hunter's arm down slowly. "Very well, if it takes you beating me into a pulp to leave me alone then I guess I must oblige." [Y/N] stands up and begins making his way to the stage, the tank behind him, he could feel the daggers being stared into the back of his skull. Whether from Remur, or the rest of the class that thought he was insane to accept. One specific glare catches his eye, a young blonde with green eyes couldn't decide whether to glare angrily or with bewilderment.

Remur and [Y/N] stand in front of each other as the teacher gives them some space. "We're just going to go until someone's aura depletes, understand?" The two hunters nod to their teacher before looking back at one another. Remur seemed to be thinking hard, contrary to the brute who had attacked the cleric in the hallway. [Y/N] knew that if he was going to last in this fight he would need to exhaust the tank while ticking his aura away. 'They're nothing like claws, but at least I know they can damage his aura.' The faunus thinks to himself as he raises his hands to his sides, his fingers spread out like a beast's claws, his back leaning forward as if he was ready to sprint forward. Remur readies a large sword and holds it with both hands, also leaning forward as if to ready his own charge. "Begin!"

Remur charged in first, thinking that he would be able to counter-charge [Y/N]. The faunus jumps up and begins to flip his body, aiming to land on the tank's back. Coming back down with his successful flip, [Y/N] grabs hold of Remur's collar and digs his nails into his back. The tank grunts angrily as he reaches behind himself to grab the faunus, grabbing hold of his jacket and tossing him forward. The tank threw with enough strength to rip the faunus out of the jacket itself, his body colliding with the wall as the jacket was launched into the air. For a moment [Y/N] is too dazed to stand, using a hand and pressing it against the wall to help him get up. The class had gone quiet, silent gasps and whispers spreading throughout the class as they see the faunus boy. 'Shit...'

It wasn't looking good for [Y/N] now, he could feel his aura running out when he had barely done anything to his competitor. Steeling himself, he prepares himself for the tank rushing at him again. Remur had been dazed at the reveal, but it wouldn't stop him from winning. [Y/N] dives into the tank's legs as he gets closer, taking Remur to the ground with a heavy thud. The faunus rolls and hops back up to his feet, quickly turning and hitting Remur while he was down. He knew it looked bad, and he didn't enjoy the prospect of it. But if he was going to win he would have to make every shot count. Remur didn't take long to get back to attacking [Y/N], his rage beginning to blind him as he swung wildly. The faunus was doing all he could to just dodge the attacks. But it was the next attack that caught him off guard, Remur had done an overhead swing in an attempt to slice the faunus right down the middle.

The memory quickly flashes away as [Y/N] finds himself standing alone in a strange dreamscape-like place. It seemed there were more than just one memory tied with this classroom. The dream began to ripple, the cleric closing his eyes and taking a deep breath as he let himself get sucked into the next memory.

"Get a move on you two! Otherwise we're going to be late!" Glynda called back to her two male teammates, who had spent a majority of the morning trying to get the other to wake up Ying. The witch had finally gotten enough of their shenanigans and pulled the two out of their room so that the three wouldn't be late for their first class. Remur always took the lead, everyone took it as a pride thing for him. Especially since Ying would often challenge him for who the leader should be. So it left [Y/N] and Glynda to at least enjoy each other's company in blissful silence. The cleric always enjoyed walking through the school in the morning. Occasionally he would get up before anyone else so that he could see the sunrise over the edges. The three walk to their lecture and find a place to sit, other hunters and huntresses filling in the empty space of the room.

The lesson started the normal way, the instructor would talk about the lesson plan for the day while mentally taking note of who was and wasn't there. They would ask the individual teams for the whereabouts and got the same answer most of the time, other times the team wouldn't know where their teammate had gone. [Y/N] would think back to the disappearance of his dear friend, but the questions would always be directed to his team when his mind began to wander. The instructor didn't delay any long as class had begun. Things began to get more fuzzy as time went on. [Y/N] tried to focus on what the professor was talking about, he looked down at the notes Glynda was writing but couldn't understand a thing. The memory was becoming blurry, light and color swirled together as the memory plunged him into a dark void. A light coming from what seemed like nowhere, hitting him like a train. It knocked him straight out of the memory and into a strange suspendium. The memories began to fade from his mind once more as a voice called out to him, and brought him out of himself.

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