Chapter five

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After giving Ricky some time to recover, I looked at him and could see he had managed to stop shaking. “Tell me the rest” I say to him “I want to know everything you saw while running here.

You said they kept the link opened so you could see right?” I asked

Ricky nodded his head “Yes Sir”

“Tell me what you saw”

Ricky swallowed audibly before speaking “I watched as the Alpha rouge Handed Alpha Robert’s wife over to one of his men.

He started to pace before he went to one of his men and whisper something in his ear.”

Ricky paused in his story “Alpha Robert could only just make out what he had said” 

“What was it he heard?” I asked him

“Get him here now so I can talk to him.

Let me know when he's here” 

I nod my head at Ricky “Then what happened?”

“The man nodded his  head “ok” he said, before he turned and walked out the front door.”

Ricky scratched the back of his head nervously.

“About five or ten minutes later the guy comes back in and taps the Alpha Rouge on the back.

He nods his head to the door way behind him and said “he's here.”

 The Alpha Rouge walked over to the door "Why is she not here dog?" He asked the man who hid to the side of the door frame so no one inside could not see him.

"She was here this morning, I had breakfast with her". He said in a sad quite voice.”

“Wait!” I call out stopping Ricky from continuing. “So one of Alpha Robert’s pack members is a spy for the Alpha Rouge?” I asked.

Ricky just nods his head at me.

"Great just great" I say

I take a moment to process this before nodding my head at Ricky and say "do you know the guy from his voice at all" "no sir I do not know who it is I wish I did sir" nodding my head ok continue.

“The Alpha rouge growled very loud and violently to the point that he started to shake. The Alpha Rouge stormed over to Alpha Robert and grabbed him placing his face in front of his.

“Don't lie to me.

I know that she was here this morning.

Now you know what the punishment is and now you are going to pay.

I told you not to play games with Me.” he growled then moved to grab Ben from his men before smirking at Alpha Robert “Say good bye to your son.”

He said, before placing his hands on Ben’s head before snapping his neck in two.

“Noooo!” Alpha Robert screamed. Before the room fell silent.

“You bastard” Luna Racheal cried out.”

I held my hand up to Ricky making him pause once again in his story.

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