Chapter eighteen ending

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This is the rest of chapter eighteen I hope you enjoy

Deleen, Lucas, Holmes and Michaels pov

As she closed her eyes again principle holmes comes in asking how she doing , ok,
still very tired thou.
She will be for a while yet.
Looking down I see Deleen's eyes are open I say hi to her and she gives me a tired smile saying how long you been here for. I hummed saying since lunch time yesterday when you disided to give us a heart attack, so I come over to give you one one of my special mixes to get your body's energy back to normal levels so that your body could function normally then we had to shock you three times before we got your heart to stop playing around.
Sherlock handed dr.micheal a packet then asked lucas to get him a glass of water.
Thank you Lucas I put the contense into the glass of water looking round for something to stir with finding nothing he went and got a touché depressed and stir the drink I walked back over to deleen she look at me then the drink making a funny face at it nodding my head saying yes deleen you have to drink this.
Sighing I look at Lucas saying can you help me to sit up so I can drink this purple muck please.
Helping dee to sit up she took a mouth full of drink it look bloody horrible to me and by the look on dee's face i'll say it taste horrible as well.
Grimacing at the state I try to hand it back to anyone that would take it saying yuck.dr.micheal pushes the drink back to deleen saying I know it's not nice but you have to drink it all up or you will have a relapse and could die or even lose your wolf.
Sighing and growling at him muttering if I throw up I'm aiming it in your direction I say, finishing drinking what's left.
After a few mins of finishing the drinking the muck I started to feel less tired the I did.
I stared to feel some disco fed and sparks along my muscles and my whole started to ache like my body had been used like a piñata with a baseball bat (but without the prizes or lollies) groaning in pain I had Lucas behind me rubbing my back while I put my head on Holmes shoulder after a few mins like this I let out a feral growl as the pain increases and my muscles started to cramp up in my arms and legs.
Holmes laughter at me,saying deleen it's just your muscle getting energy back into them after you use all your energy up and your body started to shut down.
Think about it like a car battery that was nearly empty we just had to refill your energy, when you started to seize yesterday I had to give special medication to get give your body energy and a helping hand to start up again as you had depleted your body of its life force and your wolf was giving you her life force and was running out fast so I had to give you something special to help you and your wolf.
If you both been normal one of two things could have happened one you both could have died or your wolf could have died and then if that happened you have been in a coma for good or a human.
Just as Holmes open his mouth we hear alarms going off.

Hi everyone sorry it's been so long the last 12months have not been good to me we had child WellCare being a pain had 3 miscarriages then a good friend passed away 2 weeks ago which is what I'm doing now writting this on the train on my way back from his funeral the rest I do tonight when I get home

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