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It's been 9 months since Ichiro's death, I haven't slept, nor ate, I haven't even bothered to leave my room. Every time I try to sleep, I end up having nightmares of his death and last moments. ".....Ichiro..." I try to get out of bed, only to end up collapsing onto the ground. I sobbed and cried in agony "Ichiro...." I've lost my best friend for good, it hurts me just remembering him. He has such a kind and wonderful personality..."Ichiro.." I wanted to disappear, the world isn't the same without him. He was there for me when I needed him most. He was a shoulder I could cry on, someone I could rant to for hours on end without getting tired, I forced myself to crawl to the door, and get up on my knees, holding onto the door handle like my life depended on it "Do it...for him.." I thought to myself. I gripped onto the door handle, forcing myself to get up "don't be weak, He'd want you to be strong. Get up Ethan, do not lay what he'd say if he were still with me. Ichi- do not think about him. Stay strong." I thought to myself, holding back tears. As I slowly open the door "......" I look around for a moment, everything looks so different. "Where is everyone..? So empty.." I leave my room, after 9 months and 22 days. I walk around for just a moment, a minute, a second. Then I feel someone tap me on the shoulder, I turn and see Reina. I don't even walk to talk to her, I don't want to talk to anyone but she says something. "..How are you?" I looks down, before turning my back to her, and walking away "I don't want to speak to would I respond..? "I've been doing fine?" No, that's too much of a rude response." I keep walking, knowing her eyes are pressed against me. I knew she was sad too, she most likely wasn't doing so well either. I finally get outside "Air..fresh air." I take a deep breath before signing "....I should..go visit him." I make my way to the graveyard and get to the main entrance, but I freeze up "I-I can't do it...." I can't move, even if I tried I can't. "Move." I forced my arm to move and I quickly turn around and to town "I can't...I can't visit him..." I hold back tears, on the verge of crying, so I make my way to the village "....It's so empty.." Ichiro wasn't just friends with me, he was friend's with everyone. I'm sure everyone was shocked and saddened to hear the news of his passing "it's all my fault. If I wasn't in his way, he wouldn't have died.." I feel the tears flow down my cheek, at first I didn't even notice I was crying, I quickly wiped the tears away, before looking up and seeing around one to three people out working. They looked devastated, most of them kept their heads down, avoiding all eye contact. "..." I make my way to the bakery and walk in, I sit down, keeping my head low too. Then so suddenly I feel something pressed up against my neck, it took me a while to realize what it was. "..A knife..?" I begin to panic, my heart is racing, I'm fearful of what will happen. I'm too afraid to even move, or breathe. And then..I felt the stranger slowly tap on my shoulder "Do not scream or try to signal for help, or else." I don't know what else to do, so I cooperate.....

(End of chapter 2! I hope you all like it so far!! Wow 634 words!)

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