Keep onwards.

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I slowly got up, as the stranger began to lead me outside, I sweat feared for my life. The stranger then lead me to an alleyway, it seemed empty except for a light at the end of it "where are we going..? Am I going to die..? I-I don't want to die!! Someone please!!" I began to shake, the stranger didn't stop until we reached the end of the alleyway, where the light was, when I looked down I seen a small girl. She looked dirty and miserable as if someone just left her here for weeks. Then I felt the stranger tap on my shoulder "please help her." And the stranger moved the knife away from my neck, I turned and looked at the stranger, he had jet black hair, dark skin and a hood which covered his eyes...."who was he..? And what does this kid need help with?" I thought to myself, as I crouched down to examine the little girl, I check her for any injuries while glancing back up at the stranger "she has many bruises..too many.." I wrap some bandages and disinfected a few wounds she had as well, then I got up and looked at the stranger before signing to him, "She had a few wounds, but she should be fine." The stranger hugged the little girl, like a father would. I looked at them and sighed before walking off "A near death experience...again." I just walked back to the castle me and my team stay at and head to my room ".....Ichiro..maybe if you were still alive..the world wouldn't be so empty without you..I miss you..." I hold back tears, and wipe them away to stop myself from crying again, to the point my throat would hurt. I miss the times me and Ichiro would go out to eat dinner it was so much fun..." small flashback, me and Ichiro are getting some food and I smile and face him and signed "what are you getting to eat?" He sighed, putting down the menu and shrugged "I don't know yet." I read, After 23 minutes our food arrived, he ordered some steak and vegetables while I ordered some rice and chicken, I ate a bit but I think my mind was to busy thinking of something else...I spaced out and felt a tap on my leg, when I looked up Ichiro was looking at me "Ethan, are you alright?" I read, and nodded before signing "Yes, I'm fine just thinking about something else." He seemed to get the point and smiled a bit "Right now isn't the time to think of other things. Focus on eating your food before it gets cold." I liked it when he smiles, it was so warm and bright. I felt safe and happy with him, I went back to eating, getting a funny feeling in my stomach "weird." I thought to myself, I never felt this way before what is this feeling? I sat there in confusion, but finished eating and we quickly paid, before leaving. I stayed close to him since I didn't know too many people and messed with my hair to calm myself down, I look up to him and he's smiling and waving hello at others, "such a caring person..." then we felt a shake in the ground, I knew what it was..."Shit..those creatures are back" we both knew and quickly ran in that direction, these disgusting creatures that haunt this earth, tormenting the innocent. As we got to where that feeling was coming from he quickly took out his sword and charged up to the creature, taking out his gun too. I tried my best to help but in reality...I was nothing but a distraction. He shot the creature many times before it had passed and let go of the innocent. I ran over to help the injured they had claw marks and it looked like it came from a bear. The small child and mother were crying in pain, but the mother was begging us to help her daughter before her. I helped the small child and patched her up, before signing "she'll be alright. Please don't move as much ma'am." She thanked up and we went on our way, and I got a pat on the back from Ichiro he looked at me and messed with my hair, laughing bit. "..I think I know what this feeling's...."

(GOT EM' hey, hey!! 766 words!! Isn't that longer then the last chapter??!! Woo!!! Chapter 3!!!)

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