The warning.

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I sat there in silence, as the other discussed the major issue, no-one seems to know anything else, nor what form that thing takes. The most we know about that creature is it's name. I glanced over to Reina, she seems to be focused on the conversation as well, while I seem to look interested thought, my mind is somewhere else. As important as this meeting is, I can't help but think to myself on how much of a failure I am. I wouldn't even be alive if Matthew didn't save me all those times we went on mission's together..if I just aimed my gun correctly at that monster, then Ichiro would still be alive. And maybe we'd all be happy, instead of mourning his death. It was all my fault from the beginning, everything was always my fault. My father shouldn't even be proud of someone like me, he should just abandon me, and stop sending me letters. Why even bother to send letters to someone who doesn't even write back? I look up at my team and excuse myself for a moment to go freshen up in the restroom, as soon as I get to the bathroom, I turn on the sink and wash my face, before lifting up my head to look in the mirror. "..." there isn't much for me to say, other then seeing someone as pathetic and dirty as me. I haven't showered in almost a week, I reek and smell absolutely disgusting. Now looking at myself, I haven't slept either, I've lost so much sleep. I think-no, I know I don't want to live anymore. I've grown sick of living, suffering and losing so many friends and family members all to these creatures only for them to be ripped away from me, no matter who tried to keep them safe, even hiding them wasn't any help. They were always found, even in the most secured place. It could even be guarded by our most powerful warriors and they'd still get hurt and die. I think I've had enough with living, I think I'm slowly giving up and losing all hope. What's the point anymore? What do I do to even support my fellow teammates? I can't even do anything useful. My team was forced to learn sign language because of me joining. I just felt like they were forced, no-one would be willing to learn sign language for just one useless person. "..." I look at my wrist, specifically at my watch to see how much time has passed exactly. 7 minutes have passed and I'm here in the bathroom, standing here and overthinking to myself. I look back at myself in the mirror and almost jump back my reflection is staring at me, with a crooked grin on my face. "...WHAT THE FUCK?!" I fall back a bit afraid of myself in a state of fear I look up at the mirror again, it's staring down at me ".........H-Holy fuck...." It's eyes are so wide open, so inhuman like, it opened its mouth to speak but the lights in the bathroom flickered and when the lights adjusted and lit the room again, the thing-or myself was gone, I was scared shitless, I can't even process what the fuck it was. I can't even move. I slowly tilt my head back and when I open my eyes it's standing over me with that scary as fuck grin, I nearly shriek and began to shiver in fear, from what I can see it opens its mouth to speak and says "What's the matter? Do you like how I look? Don't I look ssooo handsome?" It's grin doesn't fade not even a budge, it's me but then again it's not me....WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?! it grabs me by my face and gets closer to my face "don't I look so pretty? Such a charming face I have!!! Compliment me!! Praise me, become obsessed with my beautiful face!!! PRAISE ME!!! LISTEN TO ME!! COME ON, COME ON!!! LOVE ME!!!" I grab one of my knives and stab it in the face "......." I see it struggle and stumble back, I try and get away from it as much as possible but it grabs my leg and stabs it, I try not to cry in pain, but my left leg is now useless due to it being injured. I look back at the thing and it's smile's still there, it's making me nauseous just looking at it. It speaks again "...YOU HURT MY HANDSOME FACE!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!! I'LL TAKE YOUR FACE AS WELL!!! You look so perfect.....don't struggle....for me pretty boy.." it drags me closer to itself by my leg and I start to struggle to get away from it as much as possible, I click a button to notify anyone to come and help me but for now, I must defend myself as much as possible.

~Ethan's teammate, Yamato's POV~

I felt the buzzing of the emergency line go off in my pocket, I reach into my pocket and look at it before looking back at my fellow teammates "....d-did you all get.." we all immediately rush out of the meeting room, and dash as fast to find Ethan "REINA, MATTHEW, YOU TWO TAKE THE LEFT HALL ON THE RIGHT. EVERYONE ELSE SPREAD THE FUCK OUT AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE." I shout, before taking out a watch and baton "Time keeper: flashback show." And smack the baton on a wall, glancing at my watch "I went back 10 minutes ago, so Ethan should just be leaving the meeting room." I step aside and carefully see Ethan leave the meeting room and head down 10 hallways "So far?" I fallow him to not lose him we head down 3 flights of stairs and he enters the restroom "'s not even close to where everyone's searching..Ethan why the fuck would you go to the farthest bathroom?" I look at the time "I have to go back 31 minutes ago." I adjust my baton and take a deep breath "Time keeper: Past reflection." We're back in the meeting room and I look at my teammates "we need to go to the bathroom, 10 halls down and on the 15th floor." Matthew speaks up "Why there? That's a far walk!" I glare at him "stop you're whining before I give you something to throw a fucking fit about." I snap back at him, and leave the room to go to the bathroom Ethan's in. We get there in 15 minutes as soon as we get close to the bathroom, our emergency lines go off and we barge into the restroom. We see the thing on top of Ethan and it snaps it's neck back at us, that hideous face it has is disturbing as all hell "OH HII!! Are you his friends???? I like how you all look!! So nice!! And shiny!!! Wanna be my friend?!" Ethan's fighting for his life on the floor, trying to stop that thing from stabbing his face "..I, by no means, would want to be friends with someone like you." I motion for Trina to go ahead and get the job done.

~Trina's POV~
Kya!! Sir Yamato has given me orders!! Yes I have been waiting!!! "Sunset motion: blazing spirit." in less then a few seconds two spirits are holding the fake Ethan against the wall, and the other are checking to see if Ethan's okay, I look back at Yamato, he doesn't seem to be paying attention, he's more interested in the fake Ethan and watching it struggle to escape "..Sir Yamato?" He makes his way over to the fake Ethan and looks at it "...? Sir?" He grabs its face and almost looks sick, before saying something, causing the fake Ethan to shed tears and quiver in fear, the blazing spirits take the fake Ethan and drag him to a lab, I guess Yamato got curious and wants to find out what the fake Ethan wanted. I look over at Ethan, and grow worried for him.

<Author's note> Ignore if you want I don't mind :) Wow that's a lot of words (1385) I'm so sorry for being gone for a while!!! I'm back though!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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