Wake up

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I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, I flinched and turned to see who it was "Reina." She scared the living daylights out of me. "Ethan! We've been looking for you! The hells wrong with you?! What are you doing?!" I was confused to what she was saying. I signed to her "What? What are you-" I suddenly felt the pain in my arm and leg, I look down and see blood, not just a little bit but a lot, I panic and quickly reach to get bandages. Reina patches me up to try and stop the bleeding "what happened?! I-I was just..." I can't breathe, it's hard to breathe. My vision starts to go blurry, time, time is all that matters. I can't die, not yet, how did this happen?! "12:56am..." My eyes jolt back and I pass out due to blood loss. My body felt light, like I was swimming in water, when I woke up, everything was dark I tried to reach out to something and felt the softness of a fur from a coat. "....wh-where am I..? Why is it all dark..? Wait.." when I felt the fur again, I knew why it felt familiar "..Ichiro-" he emerged from the shadows "Get out. Wake up Ethan. You need to get up." I cried and tried to hug him, but he pushed me back "GET UP ETHAN! YOU NEED TO WAKE UP." I fell towards some light and when I looked back he was gone. The light was too bright, it hurt my eyes so I closed them and when I opened them, my vision was blurry, and I could feel tears rolling down my cheeks before feeling someone hugging me and crying on my shoulders "......wha..?" Reina was hugging me, though I was confused and too busy thinking about seeing Ichiro for just a second. She didn't let go of me, she was holding me as if I was going to die if she let me go. I looked at her and she looked like she was just going to lose someone she cared about "I can't lose you. I can't lose you I've already lost so much. Not you too.." she said, but I just wanted to see him again..not even questioning what happened, or how that happened. I missed him and slightly hugged her back and signing to her "You won't lose me, you never will. But I'm unsure of what happened..or how that happened." She now looked confused and in disbelief to even believe me and said "Ethan, no-one else could've done that but you.." I quickly signed "Reina, please believe me. I was spaced out...remembering Ichiro..." just signing his name hurt, but I must defend myself. She looked down and said "...I believe you..as much as I don't want to, I believe you. I trust you Ethan. But if you ever do that shit again I'll tell the higher ups." The higher ups. They are in charge of who's in this team or not. One complaint, and you're off. I froze in place but nodded. "though I was afraid of facing the higher ups, I think I'm more afraid of the upper-ranks they terrify me. Even if I've never seen them, I was told they are very powerful all with different fighting styles, I was told one works with cards almost as sharp as knifes, showing no mercy to those creatures. The other works with guns, but the main one, the leader...I heard he's extremely dangerous." I felt Reina grab my hand, and held it, she said something but I didn't understand what she said since I couldn't read her lips....

(AHHH!!!! So many words!! This chapters a little short! But feel free to give me some more ideas to write!! This is the ending of chapter 4!! Woo!! 650 words)

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