Chapter Seven: The Search Party

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A/N: alright, we've gotten to the first kinda main plot line for the story! That's exiting! And it only gets worse from here

The day after Alyssa's death was the worst.

I didn't want to go to the cafeteria but I was hungry. As soon as I walked in, I felt everyone's eyes on me, and heard the whispers start up.

I didn't see Beatrix anywhere. If nothing had happened yesterday, I wouldn't have wanted to sit with her, but my friend's death seemed to have put some things in perspective for me. But I couldn't spot her in the crowd. I realized with panic that there were no empty tables I could go to. I would have to stand here awkwardly with everyone watching me, judging me for having no friends to sit with.

Then, I heard my name being called. I turned. It was Cashlin, sitting with a group of people I had never seen her hang out with before, who were all talking to her at once. She wasn't even looking at them. "Come sit down."

I studied her expression, trying to tell if she was welcoming or threatening. After a moment, I decided to sit down. Cashlin turned to the group of teens beside her. The way they were looking at her, you'd think she was an exhibit at a zoo or something. Fascinating, but not a person like them. "Can you guys give us some privacy?" she asked softly.

They seemed disappointed, but after a few seconds they scattered, whispering amongst each other. I lifted my head from the sandwich I had gotten at the door, and looked at Cashlin. She seemed even more guarded then usual. Her sweater sleeves were too long for her, and they covered part of her hands. I had seen Alyssa wear it a few times, she had always been long and slim, and it had fit her perfectly. Cashlin had dark circles under her eyes, it didn't seem like she'd slept at all. Clearly her sister's disappearance had hit her hard.

"How are you?" I asked tentatively, not entirely sure I really wanted to hear the answer.

She sighed. "Not that good. How are you?"

This question surprised me. Her sister was gone, why was she thinking about me? "Me?"

Cashlin shrugged. "I know you're her best friend. And you were the last person to see her."

I felt hot tears sting the back of my eyeballs, and I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because it was hard for me. Maybe it was because I wasn't used to people checking in on me.

Maybe it was guilt over what I had done. Or maybe it was the fact that she was talking about Alyssa like she was still alive. I blinked rapidly to chase the tears away.

"I don't really know how to feel. I just hope she's ok."

The lie burned my throat and I almost couldn't get it out of my mouth. Cashlin nodded. "Yeah me too. I mean, she's kind of all I have, you know? God, I'm gonna kill her when she comes back. I've told her a million times not to just run off without telling me."

I wasn't sure I could bear sitting here any longer, listening to this girl who had lost the only person in her life that she loved, knowing it was my fault, but I knew I couldn't just leave her here. I owed it to Cashlin to at least sit with her for breakfast.

Then she said something that caught my attention. "I'm actually helping the staff organize a search party for her after lunch, now that it's been over twelve hours and she hasn't come back. And I wanted to ask if you would help lead it?"

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