Chapter Twenty One: Underground

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A/N: wow I can't believe we're almost at the end of the book! This has been such a cool experience for me, and I'm very exited to write the sequel! Hope you guys enjoyed having a chapter from Cashlin's POV! I'll be going back to Damira now

Everything around me was very dark, but it felt as if there was brightness just ahead. Well, it felt that way mentally, I couldn't feel anything physically. I didn't know where I was.

I didn't know how long I had been there. It could be five minutes, or five hours, or five hours. I didn't remember when I had woken up. Was I awake? I didn't know. I wasn't really sure what was happening, but I wasn't worried about it. I wasn't worried about anything.

Then, I felt myself open my eyes.

I sat up slowly, feeling groggy and confused. Where was I? What had happened?

Then, it all started to come back to me. Cashlin. Telling me she knew what had happened. Plunging a needle into my arm. And then, nothing.

Panic flooded through me as I looked around. I was in a bed in the middle of a small room. There were no windows. I jumped out of the bed and looked around. There was no furniture in the room except for the bed and a chair leaned against the wall. And I was all alone.

There was a door on the other side of the room. I hurried over to it, and tried to open it. It was locked. I blew it off its hinges.

I stepped out of the room, and into a long hallway I didn't recognize. It was mostly white, and made me think of a hospital. I looked up and down the hall, and determined that there was no one around. Then, I started to walk quickly but quietly down the hallway, looking around. I didn't know where I was going or where I was, but I didn't feel safe here, not at all. I knew I needed to leave.

Then, as I was about to turn a corner, I heard voices. I stopped walking and leaned against the wall, listening. "Isn't it time for our break soon?" I heard a man say.

"Nah, there's at least another fifteen minutes," another man replied.

It sounded as if there were three or four men on the other side of the corner. I didn't know what to do. Should I turn the corner? But what if they were armed? Then again, that didn't really matter, because so was I.

I took a deep breath and prepared myself, calling on my powers again. Then I walked around the corner.

As I had predicted, there were four men. They were all dressed in armoured vests and had guns. I didn't know what kind they were, but they were small. They looked like pistols. I wouldn't know.

The men looked up at me at once. "Hey," I said. They grabbed for their guns, but I was way ahead of them. I pushed the energy I was feeling out of my hands and directed it at all their guns except for one, throwing the rest across the room, so they were defenceless. The fourth gun, I pulled towards myself, catching it in midair. I wasn't entirely sure how to use it, but it couldn't be too hard.

The men looked at each other in shock, then back at me. They clearly hadn't seen that coming. I looked at them threateningly. I didn't want to hurt them, but I would if I had to. Then, I heard footsteps approaching.

Nope, I thought. I ran past the security guards, who jumped away from me. I smirked slightly, knowing that they were afraid of me, as I shoved the gun in my pocket.

As I ran, I suddenly remembered my phone. Was it still on me? I went through my pockets, and felt my fingers bump against the smooth plastic, and I felt relief run through me. The disguise had worked. My bag was gone, but that was the least of my worries.

For a second I considered calling the police, but I knew that wouldn't end well for me. Besides, I had no idea where I was, so what would I even tell them? I turned a corner, and saw a large closet. I made a split second decision and opened the door, and hopped inside. I shut the door behind me, and opened my phone.

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