Damian Wayne 04

469 15 3

synopsis: when mar'i grayson is messing around with her uncle tim's protege time machine, she gets her and her uncle damian's badass, catwoman trained, assassin girlfriend sent back in time to see some familiar faces

(this is loosely based off of a damian wayne story i've been drafting instead of updating so look forward to that)

words: 2285


The air of the Batcave was still, too still.

Y/N could hear a faint and rapid clicking coming from the back corner of the cave; one that she knew was sectioned off and had an eye scanner and ten digit code on the door. Ignoring her better judgement, Y/N followed the clicking.

With each step on the cold floor the clicking turned more into a shifting sound, and with a few more steps it turned into huffs of frustration along with metal sliding against itself. One more turn let her see the blacked out door swung wide open.

Another step closer and she met the unnatural green eyes of her troublesome niece. Her eyes flickered down to Mari's frozen orange hands to see the very experimental time machine Tim had been raving about.

"Mar'i, what the hell are you doing? Do you know how dangerous that thing is?!" Y/N thanked herself internally for breaking back into the Batcave after forgetting her third back up gun on the Batcomputer, Barbara having lectured the girl on using the Batcomputer to find potential hits when, in the ginger's words, 'there is a perfectly good encrypted laptop sitting three feet away from us,' to which Y/N responded with, 'Babs it's the Batcomputer, I can't just not use it.'

"But, Auntie-"

"Don't 'Auntie' me! This thing could separate your atoms and wipe out half of the globe!" Y/N had made it to the mischievous teenager and wrapped her hands around the unoccupied end of the silver device. She cringed as her, more like Damian's, ring scraped against the metal.

"Mar'i, let the device with bomb potential go." Y/N locked eyes with the girl and she finally understood why her Uncle Damian froze under her stare. The glare could rival even the elderly Batman's in his prime, and seeing it from someone who was usually loving hurt a lot more than coming from behind a cowl. "I swear I think I can get it to work! Just this one little-"

"Mar'i, no!" The two's bickering and pulling of the device let the shifting and clinking of the steel gears become drowned out. And with one hard tug from the teenager, one final click and the shifting of the device into a flat disk had both of them shutting up.

"Oh my god-"

"What did we do?!" Mar'i looked up to her Aunt with fear filled eyes as their hands seemed to become glued to the device. "We'll be okay, love." Y/N barely believed her own words. If the device that was becoming increasingly more burning to the touch managed to successfully transport them through time, there was no telling where it would take them.

As the device whirred, the pair let out a scream as they were sucked into the past; the small disk left spinning on the floor of the Batcave.

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