Sunset and sadness

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None's pov

Blu and his mate and their family were flying to the brazil net trees to watch a beautiful sunset, Mean while Tempest was on her why bring barries with her, Till she bumped into Roberto, '' Hey, Come on the Sunset is about to start.'' He said, She nodded and followed him and saw the the other macaws.

'' Hey Tempest, Look,'' He wrapped his wing around me, Her cheeks blushed and soon turned into bright red. Little did they know that Felipe saw the entire scene, Now he was striking to become her mate, Felipe fly to his part of the grove and stayed as a grimby macaw.

'' Roberto, I have a question?,'' Tempest asked, '' Yeah, What is it?,'' He asked, ' Well, It's now or never,' I deep breathe and said, '' Why do you hate humans, I mean they destroy our home but not all humans are mean, You know,'' She said and soon met eyes with a furious Roberto.

'' Wait, Are you a pet too!?,'' He asked( Ok just to be clear, Roberto and Tempest were a bit far away from the other macaws, so they didn't hear it).

'' What no I mean....,''

'' So now there's two traitors, You know when I met you I thought you would be different from blu, But I see no differents,'' He spat and left Tempest alone and went to other macaw females, Seeing them happy and giggles feels like jealousy, Now she feels how her brother feels now.

Tempest flew aways and fly back to her nest and after a few minutes she met with Felipe again. 

'' What do you want, Felipe?,'' She asked. '' Aww, Did little Tempest got her heart broken, Don't you worry, You'll be my mate,'' He said and place a feather under her chin, She slapped his wing away and fly through the waterfall where she could get peace and quiet.

Tempest's pov

I sat on the rock of the waterfall and thought about the disagreement with Roberto, He didn't even let me explain, Now he's going to chose another male and no longer love me. Just because I was raised by a human that dosen't mean their bad, Why can't they see the big picture here.

My thoughts stop and soon saw Jewel fly towards me, She sat next to me and patted my back and some how conforted me, To be honest of all of the wild macaws, Jewel was the only one who understands me aside from Roberto, well not anymore.

'' Tempest, what's wrong, I know there is something wrong, Come on you can tell me?,'' she asked, I took deep breaths and said, '' Your friend Roberto, I have feeling for him,'' I said, Jewel's eyes widened in surprise.

Roberto's pov

After the Arguement between me and Tempest, I knew that Felipe had eyes on her, Well she didn't, I fly to the waterfall and saw Jewel and Tempest talking about something, I hid on the leaves. Then I learned the shocking truth.

'' I love him, Jewel,  But I don't think he loves me back, Maybe Felipe was right,'' Tempest said in a sad tone, I felt bad, I didn't even let her explained what happened in her past.

'' Don't give up, I'm sure beto loves you more that you love him,'' Jewel said and rubbed her cheeks against her sister-in-law's cheeks. '' You're right, I should go back now, It's getting dark, already.'' She said and spared her wings and fly to her small nest.

'' Beto, I know you're in there, Come out now,'' Jewel said, I paused, She knew I was listening to their conversation.

'' Beto, Please explain to me what happen,'' Jewel asked.

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