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Tempest's pov

After I was getting food and told my brother and their family I will be moving with Felipe, Blu was happy yet sad but he knew I had to make my own decisions now.

I fly to the nest and saw Felipe bringing a Brazil nuts. '' Felipe, You didn't have too,'' I coos and kisses his cheek gently. '' Well, I thought today is a great celebration,'' He said and wrapped his wings around me.

'' You know, I didn't believe you if we were going to be mates, but look at us now,'' I said, He chuckled and kisses my head gently. '' You know Tempest, We've been together for so long and soon fall for each other, I thought I would make official, Would you like to be my mate?,'' He asked, I sobbed softly. '' Yes, Of course I would love to be your mate,'' I said and jumped into his wings and snuggled into his chest.

'' I hope we made the right decision,'' I said. '' I'm sure we made the right decision for us to be, happy,'' He said and watch the sunset.

Blu's pov

I saw Roberto flying to my nest, '' Roberto, What are you doing here, Jewel and the kids are with Eduardo,'' I asked, '' Blu, I know this sounds crazy but, Where's your sister, Tempest,'' He asked.

'' She......She already left,'' I said and lower my head. '' What do you mean she left?, What happened,'' He asked.

'' You want me to tell you the truth, Beto,'' Jewel said flying back to our nest. '' She left because she was broken hearted,'' She said. '' What do you mean?,'' He asked.

'' She left because you broke her precious heart, There now you have it,'' I snapped and wipe my tears, '' Blu, Please calm down, It'll be okay,'' jewel said and rubbed my back softly. '' Beto, you should go back and don't even think about going after her, She's with Felipe now,'' Jewel said.

Roberto's pov

' What?, She's with Felipe now?, But What did I do wrong?,'  I thought and went to go back to the waterfall where she was when she was upset. Then Realization hit me.

'' Oh my gosh, What have I done,'' I muttered and burried my face into my feathers, ' On the day where I saw a nut with a dark blue feather, It was her, She was trying to confess, But I was an idiot,' I thought and gently sobbed.

The love in the Jungle ( Roberto love story) Rio fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن