Chapter four

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A few days later Marisa returned to Jordan college to help Lyra with moving. Lyra didn't have much in her tiny loft room so it was easy for both mother and daughter to pack and move things.

While walking to the airship, Marisa was telling her daughter about her new room and how she can pick the decorations and furniture. Lyra was just happy to be around her mother, as on her birthday when she blew out her candles on her cake she wished that at least one of her parents would come find her.

Lyra only had one bag and donated all her clothes as Marisa told her that she will take Lyra shopping and have brand new clothes made. Lyra was super excited as she's never had anything brand new before. "Get use to it darling, as you were born into this and my daughter deserves nothing but the best" Marisa said happily.

In the airship Marisa could tell her daughter was itching to ask something but wasn't game to. "Just say what you have to say dear" Marisa said to Lyra. "Oh uhh umm........ why did you give me up when I was born?" Completely shocked by her child's question, she had to lie she couldn't tell her the real reason. "Well Lyra.......... you see when you were born, I wasn't married to your father and there was a law back then that unwed mothers couldn't keep their babies. We didn't have the money to get married, so we both made the hard decision to have you raised at Jordan college.

"Where's my dad then?" Asked Lyra. "He....... uh.... was rather upset over the fact that he was the one that took you to the Master and couldn't bare the thought of not having you in his life, so he just vanished. Again Marisa couldn't tell her child the truth about her father. 

After that Lyra just sat on her knees and looked out the window as they traveled to London.

A few hours later they landed at the field and got into a fancy car that took both Lyra, her mother and their dæmons back to Marisa's flat. They traveled up a fancy elevator and when they arrived at the top floor, the two big doors opened to a dazzling hallway that had paintings and lots of pretty lights.

Marisa gave Lyra a quick tour and then showed Lyra her room. "Mrs. Coulter" Lyra says. Marisa just stared at her child and says "You can call me mother or mum, you are never to call me by that again." Lyra all embarrassed apologises, the golden monkey grabbed Pan and started patting him roughly which made Lyra feel uneasy.

Later that day Marisa took Lyra shopping for items for her room and arrange for new clothes to be made. Lyra was excited about all the clothes and furniture for her room, but deep down she only picked what her mother would of approved off.

On the walk home, Lyra saw street performs putting on a show. Marisa didn't approve of the Gyptians not what they were doing. Trying to drag Lyra away, Lyra was ready to throw a tantrum until the golden monkey stepped in, grabbed Pan in his ermine form and started to walk towards his human. Marisa grabbed her child's wrist and dragged her and pulled her to the side. "When I say no, I mean no Lyra. We are above these people and if you don't listen to me, you'll be punished."

Not wanting to say anything to get herself in more trouble, Lyra kept quiet the rest of the walk home. Once she got out off the elevator. Lyra went straight to her room and slammed the door. Marisa didn't approve of her child's little temper tantrum, but she let it slide this once as she wasn't in the mood to correct her child's manners.

It was Lyra's first night in the flat, she was admiring her new room. Soft purple walls, silk curtains to cover her large window that looks over buildings, brown draws and a matching cupboard. It's way nicer furniture than what she had at Jordan. Her favourite thing was her bed, it was a twin bed with a high headboard. The bed was covered in lots off different pillows and the mattress was extra soft.

There was a knock at her bedroom door, Lyra knew who it was and she didn't want to see her mother right now. When Lyra ignored her mothers knocks, Marisa decided to just walk in to see her child. Marisa walks up to Lyra who is sitting on the side of her bed, she gets down to Lyra's height and just starts talking. "I'm sorry my love, I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. This is new for the both off us and it will take time for the both of us to adjust to this new life."

Lyra looking at her feet trying to ignore her mother, Marisa goes to hold her daughters hand trying not to cry. Lyra slowly looks up with tears in her eyes, Marisa wipes them away with her thumbs. Lyra says something Marisa couldn't really understand. Looking at her child, Marisa stood up and just picked up her child into a hug. They both broke down in tears, Marisa thinking to herself "What's wrong with me? I'm never like this. This child has opened up something in me. Has she healed my broken heart?"

Marisa didn't want to let go of her child, so she ordered to have dinner served in Lyra's room. After dinner Marisa gave Lyra her bath and laid in her bed together. Marisa fell asleep with Lyra in her arms. During the night Marisa had the same nightmare she's had since Lyra was born. It's always the same thing, Lyra finds out the truth and runs away but gets captured from the Oblation board but Marisa doesn't get to her in time and she loses both Lyra and Pan.

Marisa woke up screaming, for a second she had to figure out where she was till she saw her child sound asleep beside her with Pan sleeping around her neck as a ferret and the golden monkey awake at her feet.

Marisa Coulter isn't easily scared but that nightmare and the thought of losing Lyra and Lyra finding out the truth scares her to death.

What if Mrs. Coulter gets given a second chance with Lyra Where stories live. Discover now