Chapter ten

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Asriel kept Lyra safe for the few days he had her. He had no intentions of taking her away from Marisa, he just wanted to get to know his daughter as he knew Marisa wouldn't allow it.

"I know you'll have a few questions. I'll try and answer them truthfully"

"Well........... why........... did you and mama decide to send me to Jordan college knowing it wasn't a place for a baby?"

Lyra looks at her father with sad eyes then looks down at her feet.

Asriel places his hand on his daughters face and rubs her cheek with his thumb.

"I don't know what your mother has told you but I wanted to keep you but she said it wouldn't be best for you and then pushed for the idea of sending you to Jordan..............


"When you were born things were complicated. You were given to me to raise and I loved that idea but then something horrible happened and you were taken away from me. The great flood happened and I knew you were no longer safe so I asked the master to watch you.... raise you so you'd be safe. That's all I wanted Lyra.

"How did you mother find you? She was told to stay away from you as she couldn't keep you safe"

"You aren't safe with her Lyra"

"You need to tell me Lyra you could be in danger"

"The master invited her to dinner and then she told me I was her daughter and that the master had agreed that I could go home with her"

Asriel grabs Lyra's by the arms and slightly shakes her. This scared Lyra. Stelmaria was circling Pan and then picked him up by the scruff of his neck.

I........... uhh think I should go. You are scaring me"

With great regret he let his only child go as he had no desire to be a father now as his work is more important.


Once Marisa knew Lyra was missing she rang the guards and the gobblers to go out looking for Lyra. Her one command was that Lyra was not to be hurt.

Marisa couldn't sleep as she feared that her nightmare would become worse and something bad would happen to Lyra. Sitting on her chair in the lounge room, Marisa is just staring at her dæmon, and waiting for the bell to ring on the elevator.

Moments passed and the elevator bell rang.


Marisa ran to the elevator almost in tears. When she unlocked the door, she quickly got down on her knees ready to hug her daughter. When the door open a wave off disappointment washed over Marisa's face, it wasn't her daughter the one person she was hoping to have back in her arms. It was one of the guards saying they are giving up for the night.

"You don't stop until my daughter is safe in my arms. Now you get back out there and search for my baby.... you hear me?"

The guard looks miffed at Marisa as he's tired, his men are tired and they believe they have better things to do than go searching for a bratty child who ran away from her home.

The elevator door closes and Marisa locks it again. She falls to her knees and starts crying. These emotions are completely new to Marisa and she doesn't know how to react sometimes.

"Oh Lyra, where are you my darling? My heart is breaking not having you here in my arms"


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