Chapter one

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Mrs. Coulter was invited to Jordan college by the Master for dinner. What she didn't realise was that she would be seeing her daughter for the first time since she was born.

Lyra is four and a half year's old and has the cutest brown curls to go with her dark blue eyes. But don't let that fool you all, she has a dark streak where she loves to cause trouble. She likes to pick fights with the Gyptian children and muck around with the scholars.

The night of the dinner, Lyra fought Mrs Lonsdale to get washed and ready as the Master wanted her to be present at dinner. "I DON'T WANT A BATH" yelled Lyra. "You need to be clean Lyra, you are having dinner with the Master and you are meeting someone really special" replied Mrs Lonsdale. "I DON'T CARE" Lyra screamed back.

Eventually Mrs Lonsdale got Lyra clean enough for this dinner. She got out her only good dress that was grey and white, Lyra hated this dress as it was a little too big and extremely itchy.

On her way to the dining hall, Lyra was speaking to her dæmon Pan who was formed as a blue butterfly. "Why do you think the master wants us to join him for dinner?" Pan sits on her shoulder and says "I'm not sure, it must be pretty important as you've never been this clean before" Lyra gives him a dirty look and he flew off her shoulder.

As Lyra and pan were walking past the big open courtyard she noticed a beautiful lady sitting on one of the benches. She had dark brown hair and a golden monkey as a dæmon. "She looks upset, we should see if she's ok" Lyra said to Pan. "No, we should be getting to the dining hall, you know what the master is like when we are late" Lyra ignoring her dæmon, she walked up to the beautiful lady and put her hand on her arm and asked if she was ok?

The woman jumped and put her head up, tears coming out of her stunning blue eyes. "What's the matter?" Asked Lyra. The lady cupped Lyra's face and just simply smiled. "Nothing darling, I'm ok now" Lyra looked at her strange like she'd seen her before. The clock tower chimed to say it was 6pm. Lyra all shocked said "I'm sorry but I have to go, I'm going to be in so much trouble if I'm late" before she could run off the woman grabbed Lyra's little hand and asked what her name was.


What if Mrs. Coulter gets given a second chance with Lyra Where stories live. Discover now