Saeko Tanaka x F! Reader

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Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Surprises, Anniversary

It was Saeko and Y/N's two-year anniversary. Saeko insisted on a surprise trip somewhere, but it meant waking up at 5:00 in the morning. Y/N had already finished getting ready, but Saeko had been saying five more minutes for the last twenty.

"Saeko, come on, we'll be late if you don't start getting ready."

"Okay, okay, I'm getting up now. Why did this have to be so early?"

"You planned this. When are you going to actually tell me what you planned for us?"

"When we get there." Saeko said kissing her girlfriend on her forehead and going to get dressed.

They checked out of the hotel with 15 minutes to get to a location that should be 25 minutes away. With Saeko's driving, this meant nothing.

"If I wasn't awake before, I'm awake now." Y/N joked as they drove.

As they were almost at their final turn, Saeko finally spoke up, ready to tell Y/N what her anniversary surprise was.

"Are you ready to know what we're doing now?"


"I'm taking you on a hot air balloon ride."

"What? Really?"

"Yes really. It's our anniversary; I wouldn't joke about that."

The sign came into her view and she saw Saeko really was serious.

"This is crazy. How many people go in a hot air balloon?"

"Do you like it?"

"I love it. Thank you, babe." Y/N said, giving her a hug.

Y/N knew Saeko would have been understanding if she didn't want to go. But she was excited. Saeko had been taking her on increasingly exciting and spontaneous adventures, and she had started to acclimate.  

"Was it worth getting up so early?" Saeko asked.

"We'll see about that one."

They checked in and stood with their assigned group. The balloons were already unrolled and had fans blowing into them. Once they were sufficiently filled with air, they started the fire to lift the balloon upright. The group climbed into the basket, and they started to rise. It was a slow way up, but soon their balloon was higher up than the other two groups.

"Guess we got on the best balloon, huh?" Saeko said.

"It's so weird, it doesn't even feel like we're moving. Look at the cars, they look like ants." Y/N said looking down from the basket.

But Saeko was only looking at her girlfriend. She felt so lucky to have her in her life and have someone to drag along on all her antics. She felt like they could take on anything together.

"Happy Anniversary, Y/N." Saeko said grabbing her hand.

"Happy Anniversary, Saeko." She said, leaning in for a kiss. 

The group finally started to descend, looking for a good area of field to land in. Although steering wasn't really possible, they could alter the fire to help land safely. Everyone grabbed on to the basket and braced for the impact, but the landing was soft. Once they were told it was safe, everyone climbed out of the basket and loaded up the bus to travel back to the takeoff site. They arrived at their cars shortly after.

"So, what did you think?" Saeko asked.

"This was so awesome. Thank you for such a cool anniversary gift."

"Who said that was your only gift?"

"I bet this was so expensive. You don't need to give me anything else."

"Too late."

"I love you so much, Saeko. I'm so glad you're my girlfriend." Y/N said, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"You've completely changed my world, Y/N. I love you more than I could ever imagine. That's why I want you to be more than my girlfriend."

Saeko pulled out a ring.

"Will you be my wife?"

"Yes. Absolutely, yes."

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