Tadashi Yamaguchi x M! Reader

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Tags: College AU, Fluff, Crush

Tadashi walked into his college bookstore, shielding himself from the bitter winter and longing for a warm tea to carry him through the long school day. While he was waiting on his drink, he noticed his roommate, Tsukishima Kei, walk through the door with a man he'd never seen before. Although they lived together, Tadashi had branched out and made more of his own friends at his new school.

"Hey, Tsuki!" He said, trying not to draw too much attention but still attract Tsukishima's eye.

"Hey. This is my friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is my roommate. We were going to hang out here and study for a while, you want to join us?"

"Yeah, sounds good." He replied.

After getting his drink, Tadashi sat at a table between Tsuki and Y/N. They were studying for a chemistry exam, but Tadashi started writing his essay for art history. He opened his textbook to the image of Sunrise Over the Eastern Sea, the piece he chose for his final paper.

"Do you like Fujishima Takeji? I have some prints in my room of his art." Y/N asked.

"Yeah, I'm taking art history right now. I'm writing my final paper on Sunrise Over the Eastern Sea."

"Oh, cool. I took that class last semester. Maybe I could help you?"

"Yeah, that would be great, I don't know a lot about this stuff."

They gave each other a smile as Tsuki looked between them, then went back to their respective work. The rest of his Friday went on as usual, Tadashi sitting through his English class largely uninterested and then heading back to his space he shared with Tsukki. Right before he was going to open the door, he got a text from Y/N asking if Tadashi wanted to come over to work on his essay. He immediately headed to his apartment, not bothering to drop anything off he had with him. They slowly worked through his essay, but mostly talked about themselves. They seemed to have a lot in common, from how they grew up, to their hobbies, to their taste in music. They only spoke a few hours, but instantly felt a strong connection to each other. Too late to be reasonable, Tadashi made his way back from his apartment. He checked his phone and had a text from Tsuki from one hour ago.

"Are you coming back tonight?"

"On my way. Leaving Y/N's now."

Thankfully Tadashi's late night didn't have much of a negative impact since he had Saturday free. Tsuki was already awake and sitting on the couch when he finally slunk out of bed to get some food.

"So how was yesterday?" Tsuki asked.

"I think my essay turned out really well."

"That's not what I mean." Tsuki said glaring at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I've known you since middle school. I know he's your type."

Tadashi stood with a blush on his face in silence before Tsuki spoke up again.

"If you tell me you don't like him, I'll believe you."

"I'm getting some breakfast."

The more Tadashi thought about it, the more he knew Tsuki was right. The problem was he didn't have another excuse to talk to him again after he finished his essay. Luckily, Y/N wanted to talk to Tadashi again, too. They ended up texting a good bit in the following two weeks until Tadashi started scheming to get them to hang out.

"I just need a good excuse to hang out with Y/N." He vented to his roommate.

"Why don't you just ask him out?" Tsuki said.

"Oh my god, you're right."

After Tadashi had this realization, he decided to ask Y/N for a video call so he wouldn't be asking through a text message. Although Tadashi's confidence had improved a lot since he was younger, he hadn't had much experience dating. It took everything he had to gather his courage. He put on a nicer shirt and made the call.



"So, I had something I wanted to ask you."


"I really like you, and I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me this Friday?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

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