Saeko Tanaka x F! Reader Part Two

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Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Anniversary

After their early morning, Saeko and Y/N's bodies were fatigued, but the exhilaration from their engagement kept their minds active. This was especially important for the short road trip back to their shared apartment. Despite their original plan to fall asleep, they sat on their sofa talking until Y/N began her preparation for her anniversary date idea for Saeko.

She did her best to fill the car without Saeko noticing what she had been stashing in the back to create as much of a surprise as possible. They tunneled into the car for yet another adventure. Y/N took them ever farther into the middle of nowhere, the green forest enveloping them in its beauty as they rode on.

"Only one more turn." Y/N said.

They finally arrived at a secluded spot that seemed like it had been abandoned by humankind. A pond sat as the focal point, with decaying docks situated around at four points. The bright grass extended all around, leading up to more of the endless forest. Y/N turned the car off, allowing the space to take its full form as an escape from the bustling nature of their home. The sun beat down on their skin but was eased by the cool breeze floating by. The perfect summer day.

"Wow, what is this place?" Saeko asked.

"I came here growing up. I made us picnic food." Y/N said.

"This is great!" Saeko said, hugging Y/N and almost causing her to drop the basket.

Y/N laid out the blue gingham blanket she had bought just for the occasion and sat the basket on top. They laid on the textured throw and ate all the snacks Y/N had prepared, talking about all their plans for the future. Somewhere along the way, Saeko had collected some wildflowers near them and began to form them into crowns. Twists of blue, yellow, and purple covered their heads and as they soaked up the sun.

"This was really cool, Y/N."

"Well, I have another gift for you."

"What is it?"

"Well, it's more of a confession really."

"Come on, spit it out."

Y/N reached into her pocket and pulled out a small box.

"I was going to propose to you, too."

Saeko burst into joyous laughter, looking at the ring Y/N has chosen for her.

"Well, at least I know your yes was sincere." Saeko said.

"Why would it not be? I'm so happy to have you. But I'm still upset you beat me to it."

"I love you, Y/N." Saeko said, still giggling.

"I love you, too."

Y/N slid the engagement ring onto Saeko's finger. They laid down on the blanket, holding hands and looking out to the world together. They sat in blissful silence, listening to the birds singing as the wind blew through the trees, taking in the sunlight still shining on them, and most importantly, embracing the warm feeling in their hearts.

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