Tooru Oikawa x Closeted!TransWoman!Reader

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Tags: Established Relationship, Prom, Hurt/Comfort 

Y/N's school prom was coming up soon, and she had yet to figure out what to wear. She knew she'd have to put on a suit, and despite having to dress unlike herself every other day too, the thought of this occurring on a special night like prom was especially upsetting. She almost made the decision not to go. But her boyfriend, Tooru Oikawa, wanted her to go. He didn't want her to miss out on an important milestone and she knew he'd see her as she was dancing with him on that night. But she still longed for everyone else to know about their relationship and see her as she was.

She decided to have Tooru go with her to pick out her costume for prom, hoping him being there and supporting her would bring some consolation. They arrived at the mall together and searched for the dress clothes. The store had a slightly small selection since most people had already bought what they needed before the weekend before prom.

"I think I want to try a colorful one. That way it's at least a little more fun." Y/N said.

"I think that sounds like a great idea, princess." He said.

Trying on suit after suit, everything felt equally bad. She eventually landed on a dark green suit with a black shirt underneath and walked out to show Tooru. He stood there holding a dress.

"I saw you eyeing this one. I want you to try it on." He said.

"But Tooru...we're in public."

"I'll make sure no one sees you."

She took the suit, unsure if she should even give herself the joy of seeing herself in it. It might make prom even worse in comparison. But she dared to try it on anyway. Despite it being a little ill fitting, it was exactly what she wanted.

"You can come look now." Y/N said.

He stood at the doorway looking in so no one else could see.

"You look so beautiful." He said, a small blush coming to his cheeks.

To his surprise, Y/N started to cry.

"What's wrong, babe?" Tooru asked.

"I'm just so sad that I can't wear this instead. I'm tired of hiding myself." She said.

"I'm going to buy this for you. Let's skip prom and have our own."

"What? But what about it being an important milestone or whatever?"

"I think you'll have much better memories doing this. I'm sorry for pushing you to come."

"But you're on the prom court. You need to be there."

"Being your king is enough for me."

"Let's do it."

Instead of going to prom, they had their own night. They started by going to a nice dinner. Then, they made a stop to change into the dress, having to tuck the dress every which way into other clothes to hide it from Tooru's parents. Finally, they found a secluded area to dance with songs echoing from the car.

"I think you were right." Y/N said.

"Of course I was, but about what?"

"This is a much better memory."  

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