Tsukishima Kei x Bi! GN! Reader

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Tags: Childhood friends, fake dating

Tsukishima and Y/N had been friends since they were children but became even more close about one year ago. Y/N went through a rough breakup with their first real girlfriend and leaned on their best friend for support. Despite their ex's accusations that they had feelings for Tsuki, she was the one that ended up cheating and ending the relationship. Although what they said was true at the time, both Tsuki and Y/N had grown a secret, ardent affection for the other. In spite of his general demeanor, he grew to be gentle with them and treasured the time they spent together.

This particular afternoon was one of those times. They both had the Saturday free, and decided to see a movie together that they had both been anxiously waiting for. The theater lobby was packed due to the new release, and it was hard to navigate through the crowd of people. But eventually, they landed in line.

"Oh my god. She's over there." Y/N said.


"The one that must not be named. Ugh, this is so embarrassing. I look awful today."

"Why do you even care what she thinks anymore? She cheated on you remember. You're much better than she is. I thought you said you were over her?" He asked.

Despite the sting in his voice, he was equally concerned about their feelings and his own prospects with them.

"I know, but I don't want to give her the satisfaction of thinking I'm not doing well without her. You have to help me."

"What do you want me to do? Pretend to be your boyfriend?"

Y/N's eyes grew large, and a blush flooded their face. But it would be the perfect way to get back at their ex...

"Wait, are you actually thinking about it?" He said, a redness coming to his own cheeks.

"No, but it would be a good way to piss her off with how much she bothered me about you."

"Yeah, I would love to be petty about it, but I can't do that."

Both questioned the morality of the situation given their feelings for each other, but they wouldn't confess in the middle of the movie theater to make sure. Yet they both wanted the same thing, a chance to hold the other in their arms. Eventually, their desires overran them, and their hands intertwined.

"Is this alright?" Tsuki asked, letting go of his normal façade for their comfort.

"Yes, this is alright."

They walked to the theater hand in hand and found a seat in their normal spot.

"Maybe you should put your arm around me? Just in case. She couldn't see our hands."

They stayed in that position as the lights dimmed and advertisements started to roll on the screen. As time elapsed, they completely forgot about the whole reason for pretending to be dating, instead focusing on each other's touch. As the movie went on, they cuddled closer, growing more comfortable with the feeling, but still in bliss. But the thought still nagged in their heads, "How do they feel about me?" After the credits started to roll, they walked hand in hand back to Tsuki's car.

They parked in front of Y/N's home when he finally spoke up.

"I need to tell you something."

Tsuki's heart was beating out of his chest. He hoped this wouldn't ruin everything and take away his greatest joy.

"What is it?"

Their mind raced. Tsuki tried to put together an eloquent response, but all the confessions he imagined in his mind escaped him.

"I'm just going to be forward with this...I actually like you. I didn't want today to be fake."


They were shocked by what they heard. They held a blank expression, causing Tsuki's mind to panic.


"You're not joking?"

"No, I'm completely serious about this." He said, starting to get slightly irritated.

They grabbed the back of Tsuki's head and pulled him into a kiss.

"Me too."

"Really?" He said breathlessly, a smile creeping at his lips.

"Yes, really."

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this mini series. My plan is to close the pride prompts for now, although I may reopen this in the future. Thanks for reading.  

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