Family Photo

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Allison brushed my hair softly, pulling the top half into a loose ponytail. I tied my tie before pulling on my blazer.

We rushed down the stairs, slipping our masks on before entering the sitting room.

The photographer directed us to our seats.

"Blondie, you stand right here." He directed. I rolled my eyes under my mask. You would think he would at least know our numbers.

Luther stood next to Father. The photographer sat Allison in front of Luther and Klaus next to her. Ben sat on her other side and Five sat next to Klaus.

"Tall girl," He called out to me, "Next to blondie."

I went behind Five's chair, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Dad?" Vanya called from the side. I forced myself to stare forward, ignoring her presence.

"1, 2, 3." The camera flashed.

"Dad!" Vanya shouted this time.

I ignored her again, widening my smile.

The camera flashed.

"Dad!" She shouted louder, stomping her foot. "Dad!"

The camera flashed.

I adjusted my hand on Five's shoulder, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. Each of my siblings felt uncomfortable, ignoring her to the best of their abilities.

Father was starting to get angry and it surprised me that he kept his temper for so long.

"Enough!" He shouted. Everyone immediately froze. "You all are dismissed."

Everyone got up quickly, shuffling out of the room.

"What's her problem?" Klaus asked me as we all ran up the stairs.

"Don't know." I shrugged, "She was angry as hell, though."

"Why would she want to be in the photo?" Diego scoffed.

"There's no reason for her to be." Luther said.

"Maybe, she just wants to be included." Allison shrugged.

"Yeah." I scoffed.



I sat down quickly and started eating. I looked around, realising that Vanya wasn't there.

I looked over at Allison who shrugged. I shook my head, taking another bite of steak.

Who knows how long she's going to be grounded for, she probably won't even be able to go to training.

Her problem. If she wants to get herself into trouble like that, let her.

It doesn't affect me.

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