(Chapter 5) Well then........

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Eddie's POV

I pulled into a spot with a beautiful view and looked over at gaege and kissed him on the cheek. "I love you bro" I said. "I love you too" said gaege.

(Time Skip because I'm too lazy to write 😂)
(A few days go by and gaege hasn't slept at all)

Still Eddie's POV

I was starting to worry about gaege so I brought him to my room; "are you okay? Is something bothering you?" "I'm fine, why do you ask?" "Well, you haven't slept in 3 days and I'm worried about you bro." "Oh..um...this is normal." "What do you mean it's normal?!" "I don't know it just- ow fuuuccckk" "what's wrong?" Gaege said nothing and just laid down and groaned. (He felt lightheaded and also had a massive headache) "It-It's nothing, my head just hurts a lot." "You need to sleep. I'll get you something for your head." I grab him something for his headache and a melatonin so he'll sleep. He takes them and I lay down beside him. A few minutes go by and I see that gaege is struggling to fight sleep and then finally gives up and falls asleep.
I was kind of watching gaege to make sure that he was okay and then he started having difficulties breathing so I got up and went to get grant....

Grant's POV

Eddie runs in my room and tells me what's happening with gaege so I quickly got up and went with him. I look at gaege and put my hand on his forehead and said to Eddie, "will you grab me a dry towel, a warm wet towel and a cold wet towel please?" (It's something random I though of at the time lmao) "Yeah dawg." A few moment later, Eddie comes back with the towels and I sit gaege up and  I lay the dry towel down and take his shirt off of him and lay him back down. I put the cold towel on his forehead and lay the warm towel on his chest. After a few moments he starts breathing normally again. Eddie says, "how do you know what to do?" "I've had a lot of medical training when I was in the military" (idk if that's actually true) "so he's gonna be okay then?" "He might wake up within the next 10 minutes but he'll be fine." "Okay, that's a relief." After that I went back to my room.

Eddie's POV

It's been 5 minutes since grant left and then gaege starts to wake up panicking "What's happening?!" He says with fear in his voice. "Calm down, everything's okay, you are okay." I said in a soothing tone. Gaege stops freaking out and starts to calm down a bit. "I'm o-okay?" "Yes, you are okay" Gaege looks around a bit and says, "where did my shirt go?"
"Oh yeah, grant came in and put towels in you since you weren't breathing right and I was starting to panic, but you're okay now and that's all that matters." "Can I take the towels off then?" "Yeah" I watch as he starts to take the towels off and sat up. I lay back down beside him and hand a glass of water. He drinks the water and puts his shirt and hoodie back on and he struggles to take his pants off (but succeeds) and he starts to lean against my chest and snuggles into it. "Can I change you before we snuggle?" "Yeah" gaege says quietly. I then change him and sit back down beside him and say, "do you feel better now?" He nods and lays his head on my chest. I pull him closer to me and sit him on my lap and then I turn on The Simpsons. Half way into the episode I hear something so I pause it. I hear light snores coming from gaege and I smile and coo at him and I resumed the episode. Mully comes in and tells me, "hey dude, I'm gonna be gone for a while because I have to go take care of some things." "Okay, just be safe." I whispered. "Okay bro." He then left and I went back to watching tv. Josh was taking a nap as well and Grant was finishing his writing project.

(Time skip)

Gaege's POV (wasn't expecting that one, were we?)

I wake up and start to feel nauseous so I told Eddie, "I'll be right back" "Okay" I got up and went to the bathroom to throw up. I sat on the floor for a good 10 minutes and just laid against the wall with my eyes opening and closing. A few moment later I heard a knock on the door. I couldn't really say anything.  "Gaege? Are you okay in there?" I hear from the other side of the door.

Eddie's POV

"Gaege? Are you okay in there?" I asked him through the door. I didn't hear anything so I opened the door and seen gaege laying against the wall with his eyes closed. I quickly picked him up (bridal style) and took him back to my room and lay him on my bed. I put a trash can next to him just in case he throws up again. I then went to go make him a bottle of warm milk. (so it's easier for him to drink, he doesn't spill it and because it will be easier on his throat since he was throwing up stomach acid). I come back and set the bottle beside him and soon fell asleep.

5 minutes go by and gaege wakes up and drinks the bottle and then lays on Eddie.

Eddie's POV

I woke up and noticed gaege laying on me. I turned on a movie and I was watching it for about 20 minutes, then I felt something warm near my stomach and I sat up slowly so I didn't wake gaege up. I didn't feel anything against me anymore so I felt gaege's diaper and I realized that it was warm so then I laid back down. "This is the second time but I love you"

Time Skip

No ones POV

Everyone was awake and Gaege asked Eddie, "Am I still pale?" "Yeah a bit." said Eddie. "I think I just need to go outside and hopefully I will be fine." said Gaege. So they walked out to the backyard and Eddie laid a blanket on the grass and they both sat down. Eddie took his shirt off and laid down. Gaege gasped a bit at the sight of Eddie with his shirt off then kissed his six pack. Eddie sat up and looked at him, "What was that about?" He said. "Oh nothing 😏" said Gaege. Eddie took gaege's shirt off and smiled, "Let's finish this when everyone is asleep or gone." Said Eddie. "Sí papi" said gaege.

Eddie's POV

I looked at the sliding door and that was when I realized.... Josh was standing there outside. "I have an idea of what's going on between you two, but I'm just not gonna ask." said Josh. "We were just fuckin' around dawg." I said. "Yeah, we were just joking around" Gaege said. "Okay then. I'm just gonna go back inside now." said Josh. Josh went back inside and gaege lays down and says, "Well then...that was awkward." "Yeah...."

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