(Chapter 7) A Trip down memory lane pt 2

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Eddie's POV:

"We are here" I told him. "Isn't this the place where you fucked me in the back of your car?" He asked. I sit gaege in the back of my car and said "how does my baby feel right now?" "Well my ankle hurts like hell and I'm a little tired so I kinda feel like shit." "I can help you go to sleep but I want you to do something for me first. Don't worry, you don't have to get up." "What do you want me to do?" I hand him something, "put it in your mouth" "a pacifier?" "Yes, also you can lay back here until we get home." "Okay" "can I change you before we go though?" He nodded.

*after they were done*

I put the pacifier in his mouth and covered him up. We drove for a bit and then went back home.
*time skip, they were home*

3rd POV:

Gabby arrives at the house and then Eddie pulls up and parks the car and asks gabby, "Gaege is sleeping in the back will you watch him for a sec please?"  "Sure?" "I'll explain when we get inside" gaege wakes up and takes the pacifier out. He sits up and a sees gabby. "Oh, hi gabby" "hi gaege" "will you grab me my crutches from the front seat please" he asked. Gabby hands him the crutches and asks "what happened?" "I broke my ankle" "how?" "Well, I apparently passed out and fell on the floor and I hit my ankle hard enough and broke it." "Omg, when was this?" "About 2 weeks ago or so" "you and Eddie and are gonna have to tell me what all happened" "oh gaege you're awake!" Eddie said. "Let's go inside" said gaege. They all go to Eddie's room and gaege lays on the bed and Eddie sat a bag beside him on the bed. "Gaege this is your bag" said Eddie. "Okay" said gaege. "Okay, so explain to me what happened to gaege" said gabby.

*After they explain everything*

Eddie grabs an ice pack for for gaege's ankle and puts an extra one in his mini fridge and hands a bottle. He started to drink it and Eddie sits a diaper on the bed. "Why the hell do you have a diaper sitting on your bed and gaege drinking out of a bottle?" Said gabby. "They are for gaege." "Okay then.... Are you wearing a diaper now?" "Yeah, I guess we left that part out." Said gaege. "I'll change you in a minute gaege." "Do you want me to leave?" Asked gabby. "No you're fine" said Eddie. He changed gaege him "do you want to leave your pants off?" "Yeah."

Eddie's POV

I laid down beside gaege and grant came in and said "we are rescheduling that dinner for tomorrow" "okay" Gaege laid on me and started to slowly drift to sleep. "You can come lay down too." I whispered to gabby. "Okay" then gabby laid down and looked at gaege's diaper. "Does he actually use those?" "Yeah he can't always get up and go because it will make his ankle worse and I've been trying to get him to stand as often as he does because I'm afraid he'll collapse again. Also, if you don't mind, will you and grant take care of gaege tomorrow for me. I need a mini vacation. I love him to death but Jesus Christ I need a break."  "Yeah, I wouldn't mind. What does he do all day?" "He mainly sleeps, but that's a good thing because he hasn't been feeling the best for a while and if something odd happens just tell grant because he's the medical professional" "okay"

*time skip 5 am*

Gabby is asleep on the couch and I told grant good morning and gave him a hug and told him what he told gabby and then left.

*time skip: 7 am*
Gaege woke up and realized that Eddie was gone

Grants POV

"Grant?" I hear gaege yell in a scared tone so I go to him. "Yes gaege?" "Where Eddie?"  "He's gonna be gone for the day and he told me and gabby to look after you" "what time is it?" "It's 7 am" "it's a too eawly, can I has some warm miwk pwease?" "Yeah, what does Eddie normally put it in?" "A bottle" "okay little guy" a moment later. I hand gaege the bottle and lay down beside him. "What you doing?" "I'm gonna lay with you like Eddie does" "tank 'ou" "what time do you want me to wake you up?" "I normally get up awound 9" "okay" Gaege drank about half of his bottle and fell asleep. I looked over and seen he was sleeping so I took the bottle and set it on the stand. I was about to get up when gaege laid his head on my chest so I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. 10 minutes later. Gaege laid partially on me and whimpered because he smacked his ankle. Then I helped gaege move on top of me and he hid his face in my chest. Gaege went into a deep sleep. 20 minutes go by and gaege was laying there and then stops breathing. I laid him flat on his back and check his pulse. I start doing CPR and gaege starts breathing again. He wakes up for a few minutes and then goes back to sleep. I change him and then gabby walks in and asks, "do you need anything?" "Some rice packs for gaege and will you warm this up please?" "Sure? It's a bottle of milk" she comes back with the rice packs and milk. I took gaege's foot and unwrapped it and gaege wakes up and just watches as grant positions he rice packs and he tried to move but he can't. "Can I have my drink? Someone's gonna have to hold it for me because I can't move" "I'll do it" said gabby. "I am very sorry for any trouble I'm causing" gabby gives him the bottle while grant gives him the detox pill, a Tylenol and a melatonin and sets the detox down on a table for later. I give him him the Tylenol and melatonin....

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