Part 1: 2. Crazy Biker

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2.        Crazy Biker
  They were chatting and having a good time when Philip Rey, who is a friend of Cathryn, Fred and Jose, yelled: 
"Watch out! Here comes five bikers." 
Philip Rey works with electoral stuff, and has dark brown hair. His father has a store where he sells electronics called Rey's Electronics. Philip is 17. His warning was too late. The bikers didn't care about hurting the young teens they just kept riding. Strait toward the Harley's and their friends! Everyone jumped out of the way to avoid being hit. 
"Those bikers are NUTS!" exclaimed a brown short haired boy named Tom Mills. 
Tom is 18. His father owns a construction site named Mills Construction, and knows a lot about tools. Everyone got up, and Fred helped Cathryn to her feet. She leaned against him for support. 
"Are you hurt?" he asked her worriedly. 
Cathryn shook her head. 
"No. Just shaken up." 
“That was close!” thought Charlie Black. “They could of ran over us, but Philip spotted them and we all jumped out of the way.” 
Charlie Black is a close pal of the Harley's and Cathryn. He loves food, and has a stocky build. Charlie is 17.
 "I think we can keep going. Is everybody ok to carry on with the hike?" 
Yes was his answer. 

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